These were the guys instrumental in rescuing John F Kennedy after the battle that left him stranded. A sub-group of the Coastal Watchers was a somewhat clandestine unit called “Z” Special Unit.

JFK JR wore the Z Special insignia as a ratio. SPECIAL Z SQUAD PLAN FOR THE LIBERATION OF HUMANITY IN JUST A FEW WORDS! The military group named “Z Special Alliance” is a secret organization of special forces and operations during World War II operating in the Pacific Ocean.

Australian British New Zealand Canadian South Africa Indonesian and Malaysian agents waged a secret war under very hard conditions against the brutal enemy occupation force. After the war, the dagger emblem, the methods and tradition if the special unit were restored by a group of American Patriots.

Using the Military White Hats a resistance movement was born and organized in secret to liberate nations from the domination of Satanic secret societies and their power over central bank money.

The first secret operation of the Plan was the rescue in 1963, for President John Kennedy. Back in 1999 his son, Agent 17 JFK JR a member of the original Z Cell also simulated his death and orchestrated Q Forces to lead and conduct the largest strategic military operation of all time.

Back in 2016 Donald Trump, strategist and member of the First Circle “Q” was chosen by the White Hats to enter the US Presidency to be the political figure of a reformed America and lead the fight on the political and media scene. The plan worked and military patriots from many countries joined the “Q” force to form the Alliance.

This Alliance combines discreet military field actions-sabotages, releasing children from tunnels, World wide, arrests and executions, installing if twins cinemopsiops, with the use of social media for the operation to gradually awaken the sleeping public that is locked in media hypnosis presenting them false reality of world events.

A group if informants was selected and authorized to progressively disseminate information on the Internet and federate under the control of Gen Michael Flynn a member of the first Circle”Q”. This is the army of “digital soldiers” who have taken over the role of the official media and will spread the real news until the operation is complete.

The photos show that Russia’s military operation in Ukraine runs under “Z” sign.

Also the big concert at the Lizhniki Olympics Stadium in Moscow on the occasion of the unification of Crimea with Russia on March 18 was held under this sign. The presenters of the concert had hung large “Z” emblems on their lapels.