by New Alien

Svali, a former member of the Illuminati scheme, tells the world how he performed pagan rituals in the Vatican. If you know, religion has always been a cornerstone of the Illuminati order. The power of the Catholic Church is represented in the Vatican City and influences all the nations of the world with its greatest head of state: the Pope. In addition to Pope Francis, there are a number of hierarchies that exercise power over the events that take place today. The Vatican is a place full of mysteries and gifts still unknown.

This woman claims that she belonged to a specific order of the illuminations and that she was a ceremonial teacher of the rituals performed by the members of that order.
This woman claims that she belonged to a specific order of the illuminations and that she was a teacher of ceremonies for the rituals performed by the members of that order.
Svali points out how dangerous these people are. Vatican scandals are well known and are linked to secret initiation ceremonies and other troubling issues.
As one of the largest conspiracy theories in the world, the Enlightenment is said to be a secret global elite that runs governments behind the scenes and intends to introduce a new world order (NWO).
Its key members are said to be attracted to Hollywood and the political and corporate leaders of the world, some even accusing their true leaders of being reptilian lizards in space.
The charges vary greatly from the simple implementation of NWO as at least one objective, that the Illuminati is a very satanic cult that tries to return the devil to earth.
Apart from the repeated claims of conspiracy theorists, who have ballooned in numbers since the rise of the Internet, there is no real evidence that Illuminates exist at all.
But Mr. Parkes, who runs his own website about his claims and attends alternative and paranormal conferences up and down the country, insists that the lighting is real and is trying to be all-powerful.
Mister. Parkes also believes that Illuminati’s creepy claims are a satanic sect trying to bring the devil back to earth. Among his most egregious claims is the fact that he once led a group that stopped the large Hadron collider (LHC) from opening a portal to another dimension that would have destroyed humanity through “meditation.” He claimed that the “psychopathic” Illuminati members were determined to use the huge Atom collision machine in Geneva to open a vortex that would allow them to complete control over everyone.
Are you sure God lives in the Vatican?
answer video
I found this video and said we need to see if it’s true or not. There are a lot of things on the internet and I think only if we present them can we find the real beginning together.
I personally think there are many interpretations and they should be treated as such.
Below is an article in which the church does good things!
Some of the Church leaves homeless people to sleep in – The Gubbio Project’s Vision