Source: Steve Beckow ~ Goldenageofgaia Sheldan Nidle, in his Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, published a most absorbing catalogue of our star family’s spaceships and their deployment, etc., etc. I think I’m safe in saying that you won’t find this kind of information in any other place than Sheldan’s archive. Sheldan was hit by a ray that has left him convalescing (I’m sorry. I don’t know the exact nature of the ray). We look forward to his complete recovery. You can donate to his medical bills if you like to: Their paypal email is and their website is: |
Scout Craft We have carefully observed this Cabal’s continuous attempts to foment atrocities as depraved as that which they committed some six months ago [9/11]. On numerous occasions, Galactic Federation of Light Liaisons, Scout Craft and even atmospheric Command Ships have had to intervene to prevent similar acts from occurring. (Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, “Update,” March 19, 2002, through Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at Motherships and their various Scout Ships maintain a highly interfaced communications grid. These missions are also monitored at many of Earth’s subterranean Bases, allowing us to know, at each instance, the locations of our Ships and what they have discovered. This data is used either to modify certain Missions in progress, or to obtain immediate feedback and analysis of ongoing events. Each Crew member is very relaxed yet matter-of-fact during these Missions. Their success is marked by the operation’s completion and the return to base – their Mothership. (Ibid., Jan. 7, 2003. Same URL.) In Four Rings Many of you may wonder how we have set up our various Fleets within your Solar System. You may also have asked yourselves how each Fleet’s functions interrelate. To begin with, our Fleets are positioned in three major Rings. The First Ring surrounds Mother Earth and her artificial companion, your Moon. This Fleet contains over one million Space Ships, most of which are small, unarmed Scout and Transport Craft. Their task is to observe you and your world, to oversee Fleet operations and to transport certain types of supplies that cannot be teleported to our Bases. Our Bases, located beneath all of your continents, oceans and seas, are linked to a vast array of Crystal Cities and communities that comprise Inner Earth. |
Yet another group of Bases is to be found on your Moon, which contains a huge network of Command and Research facilities. These Stations provide the means for us to monitor your Secret Government’s collection of space, time and inter-dimensional weaponry. Their weaponry pose no serious threat to us. Surrounding this First, or Inner Ring are several spokes that consist of a number of special Liaison and Defense Fleets. Their purpose is, first, to supervise and, then, to take effective countermeasures whenever necessary. Our purpose is to refuse your Secret Government continued use of any weaponry that may pose a threat to our Earthly Allies. We have set up interplanetary ‘Stations’ to close any Inter-dimensional Stargates and to carefully monitor any artificially created distortions in Time’s natural waves. Here, bear in mind that Sequential Time is actually a construct created by its inhabitants’ collective physical requirements within the dictates of the overall Divine Plan. In this, natural patterns occur in the way Time and Light coalesce to form ‘space’ – the stuff that produces realities. Dark, limited-conscious societies have used these natural patterns to construct fearsome weapons that alter realities, mutate the Vibrational Dimensions and warp or constrict the flow of your Sequential Time. Your Secret Government has co-opted the work of many of your inventors and scientists, and merged it with a number of the Dark Off-World technologies. (Ibid., June 25, 2002.) (Continued in Part 4, tomorrow.) |