Part 5 of 8 by Steve Beckow Sheldan Nidle, in his Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, published a most absorbing catalogue of our star family’s spaceships and their deployment, etc., etc. I think I’m safe in saying that you won’t find this kind of information in any other place than Sheldan’s archive. |
First Ring: Science Ships Let us take you on a brief tour of our Inner Ring of Fleet Command Ships. The Command Ships that are mainly responsible for coordinating all scientific observations of your precious Planet are two Andromedan Motherships, which are invisibly cloaked and in geosynchronous orbit above your Planet, one over the Western hemisphere, the other over the Eastern. Both Motherships are noted veterans of thousands of other First Contact Missions. Each is over 3,000 miles (4800 kilometers) long, and has a crew drawn from over forty Galactic Human Star Nations. The two top Commanders are famous Andromedan scientists. A number of Pleiadean and Sirian scientists act as their direct subordinates. There is also a specialized Command Staff whose job it is to evaluate all incoming data. The Mothership’s main hull is oblong in shape, with six smaller, secondary hulls of various sizes attached to it by a series of tube-shaped pylons. The main living quarters, recreational areas, and command sections are located in the primary hull. Each of the secondary hulls is given over to a different science, such as geology, oceanography, and atmospheric sciences. Each subset within these various disciplines is assigned a specific area of the Planet for observation. These groups are all interlinked by Liaison Teams who gather and evaluate all data received from the on-site observations of hundreds of thousands of Scout Ships. These are crewed by Pilots and Navigators from the Mothership and anywhere from three to five Scientists, each with a separate assignment. |
Each Scout Ship observes and reports back on a distinct section of the Planet’s surface and interior, and as their flight-paths are designed to dovetail, the result is a holistic ‘map’ of Mother Earth that is updated every five minutes. The Commanders of these two Motherships coordinate the Earth Science Mission, which in turn is in constant contact with the main First Contact Command Staff located in the subterranean Base known as Mars Headquarters. All relevant data on the changes occurring to Mother Earth are stored here. This database is available to the two other contingents of the First Contact Mission: the Galactic Federation Earth-based Medical Teams and the Defense sector of the Fleet. Since alterations to Mother Earth affect you, it is essential that our Medical Teams be kept up to date on even the minutest changes. These changes to Mother Earth are likewise mirrored by your Sun, so a Team specializing in Solar Dynamics is assigned to monitor your Sun. The Earth-Sun interactions are the focal point for the changes taking place in your mental, emotional, and physical bodies. As the Earth’s geomagnetic and gravitational fields alter, your own electrical and magnetic fields similarly fluctuate. Your changes are thus calibrated to the rate of change of the Planet. (Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, “Update,” April 13, 2004, through Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at (Continued in Part 6, tomorrow.) |