One thought on “Iodine 131 meldown in Halden nuclear reactor in Norway which Media are not covering”

A release of Iodine 131 from the Halden nuclear reactor adds to Europes nuclear pollution concerns and the radiation mapping is hiding the spikes of radiation from view. and the NRPA are trying to bring transparency and deal with the situation in a safe manner but the owners of the Thorium reactor (IFE) are doing a “TEPCO”” and protecting their investments instead of considering downwind populations in Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
The IFE are risking a Hydrogen explosion (the same issue that happened at the Fukushima nuclear reactor in March 2011, nearly exactly 6 years ago) to protect their PR image and because of greed. I explain the issues and here is the link to the evidence.
The secret meltdown in Norway is stepping in Fukushima footsteps! Iodine 131 in Europe again! #IAEA#UNSCEAR

The secret meltdown in Norway is stepping in Fukushima footsteps! Iodine 131 in Europe again! #IAEA #UNSCEAR

Iodine 131 reported in Europe in January 2017 – European radiation facts revealed