POTENT Black Salve Absolutely dangerous to cancer, abscesses and any type of skin infection, tags, and moles etc…
Here 2 recipes I use to make it…
Black Salve Recipe 1:
Bloodroot, Pau D’arco, Burdock Root, Yarrow, Yellow Dock, Prickly Ash Bark, Calendula flowers and Oil, Sarsaparilla, Bentonite clay, Activated Charcoal, Comfort Oil, EO’s, Organic coconut oil. On some cases, I would use DMSO, but most likely without the bloodroot
Black Salve Recipe 2:
Bloodroot, Galangal, Chaparral, Graviola, Turmeric, Poke Root, Calendula Flowers, Activated Charcoal, Bentonite Clay, DMSO, Comfort Oil, Organic Coconut Oil
Whichever one you make, put it all into a blender and mix till smooth. Add extra oil if it’s too dry. You’ll want it thick but moistened too. If it turns out a little too thin, add some extra bentonite clay to thicken. I use a Vitamix blender and love it. I’ve used other blenders, but have little luck with their lifespan.
Add to a jar for storage. Always use a clean utensil when withdrawing some black salve from the jar as to not contaminate the rest of the supply. Apply to the area using cotton gauze, bandage – really depends upon where it needs to go. Leave on for a day. Apply a new batch to the treated area each day.
Bloodroot is not for internal use and is a harsh herb. Use with caution.
Veronica Schultz
Herbal Therapist
To get my exact amounts for each recipe, click the link below.
Click HERE for Recipes