Jared Replays & more is only a GUIDE to Conference Calls, Videos, and information about the speculation and possible increase in the value of the Iraq Dinar (IQD), other Currencies, Global Currency Reset (GCR), Wealth Transfer and beyond… We report the good and the bad news, not just the hype. Disclaimer We post most all the Dinar Calls, try not to be biased and stay out of the drama. does not necessarily agree, disagree or endorse the contents of the calls and videos posted on our site. WARNING! Take it all with a “Grain of Salt” and only purchase what you can afford to LOSE. assumes no responsibility for information on the calls and disclaims all liability in respect of such information. We are only a guide for the Dinar scheduled and recorded call archives. No information on this channel or calls listed should be construed as investment advice. If there are any “Special 800#” for any Banks exchanging we will post on the iqdcalls Banks page as we have updated this site multiple times EVERY DAY since 2011 Reality is more likely…