Published on Sep 25, 2018
The BREXIT is starting to look like all theater. Do the leaders really want what the people want, most likely not. The President elect of Mexico told his people that Mexico is bankrupt and gave the central bank a warning. The establishment is at it again, dumping cryptos to manipulate the market just like the precious metals market. Case Shiller admits that housing prices are coming down and the it starting to look like real estate has reached the peak. The entire plan to bring manufacturing back to the US is being negotiated behind close doors with Chinese, it might look like a trade war but its a war against the central banking establishment. Confirmed, Trump during his UN speech said the US will not go along with globalism.
Published on Sep 25, 2018
Protestors arrested while protesting Kavanaugh. The entire case against Kavanaugh is now falling apart. The deep state playbook is not working and they are panicking. The light is shining brighter and the deep state are turning on each other. Trump during the UN speech let the establishment know that they will not control the US with their Uun-elected government.