While NATO officials are preparing for a July summit in Warsaw, European social activists and prominent politicians have launched a new anti-NATO campaign, protesting against the bloc’s nuclear buildup and Continue Reading →
Categorie archieven: Waarnemingen
Anthony Migchels over de totstandkoming van de Florijn
Hoe ben jij op het idee gekomen van ‘De Florijn’? Er zitten twee hoofdstukken in; in de eerste plaats heb ik heel lang geleden, in Continue Reading →
Vandaag de dag komen we steeds vaker nieuwe initiatieven tegen, omdat de bevolking steeds meer in de verdrukking komt vanwege het anti-democratische en asociale beleid Continue Reading →
Be myself
Luister goed naar wat hij zegt, duidelijke uitleg, ook de uitleg over de reptielen. Een eye opener voor velen, dus doe je voordeel. How to Be Yourself Claim Your free Continue Reading →
This project is to formally end the Federal Reserve and force the 1871-formed de facto government to go out of business.
Sheldan Nidle – May 31, 2016 9 Cib, 9 Pax, 12 Manik Selamat Jalwa! Some great changes are on the horizon! Those who are swiftly putting the new NESARA Continue Reading →
Mercury and Aluminum in Vaccines: a Primer on NVIC’s Vaccine Ingredients Calculator
by Marcella Piper-Terry, M.S. This article will tell you how to recognize the symptoms of aluminum toxicity. Aluminum toxicity is something I am very concerned about. In 2004, a Continue Reading →
Dit doodnormale drankje is volgens onderzoekers 1000 keer effectiever dan chemotherapie!
Dat pharmaceutische bedrijven graag hun zakken vullen met je zuurverdiende centen is grotendeels wel bekend. Maar mocht jij of iemand in je gezin getroffen zijn door kanker dan is er Continue Reading →
Take note of how your governments are racing from one gathering to another in their desperate attempt to start World War 3
Montague Keen – May 29, 2016 Take note of how your governments are racing from one gathering to another in their desperate attempt to start World War 3. In Continue Reading →
Cosmic Vision News
Many are fuelled by those who benefit from the resultant turmoil
Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 27th May 2016 Matters are progressing well despite the outer appearance, and progress towards a peaceful solution that will bring peace Continue Reading →
This is how they plan to KILL us – Elite Insider George Green.
Oil Market Snapshots
Oil Market Snapshots Will oil supply glut continue, what will happen with oil prices? Here are several quick looks at the oil supply glut and whether it is likely to Continue Reading →
Big Pharma is Injecting Us With Cancer Enzymes
— Doctors Who Made the Discovery Found Murdered Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. — read Continue Reading →