In a shocking statement the Environmental Minister of India, Anil Madhav Dave has claimed that the U.S. field of Antennas commonly known as (HAARP) may be a cause to global Continue Reading →
Categorie archieven: Waarnemingen
Visit the Galactic Confederation of Stellar Nations
Wat Gebeurt Er Met Onverkochte Auto”s? Zie Hier De Indrukwekkende Beelden Van De Begraafplaatsen Van Auto”s
Autofabrikanten betreden de markt elk jaar met een aantal nieuwe uitvoeringen van automodellen.Dit aantal nieuwe auto”s is hoger dan de werkelijke vraag van de consument, waardoor het creëren van een Continue Reading →
Democracy is a system that is first born whole and then carefully protected by all.
The dark cabal is beginning to crack open. Meanwhile, the new NESARA Republic prepares to be openly declared. This time, thus, is the moment that Heaven has long prophesized. Continue Reading →
Guitarist John Martin, UFO friend to Jimmy Carter, updates us on what interdimensional ETs over Atlanta are communicating
JULY 18, 2016 BY ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE LEAVE A COMMENT Guitarist John Martin, UFO friend to Jimmy Carter, updates us on what interdimensional ETs over Atlanta are communicating Continue Reading →
Upon the higher planes of existence there is much activity, much that is taking place.
Hilarion’s Weekly Message by Marlene Swetlishoff Beloved Ones, Upon the higher planes of existence there is much activity, much that is taking place. The world as you know it is Continue Reading →
Your world today is on the brink of change, a change bigger than any one of you can imagine.
Montague Keen – July 17, 2016 Your world today is on the brink of change, a change bigger than any one of you can imagine. The brave Continue Reading →
Remember that all attacks or modes of defensiveness are fear-driven responses by those desperately seeking to be loved.
A Message from Jesus from John Smallman The illusion, your worldly environment built with the collective intent to experience separation, is collapsing! Humanity’s spiritual awakening is causing it to fragment Continue Reading →
Verbrand laurierblaadjes in het huis en zie wat er gebeurt na 10 minuten!
BY LÉON · Als je ooit een yoga studio of een andere rustgevende ruimte bent binnengegaan, zul je wellicht opgemerkt hebben dat deze plekken soms een bepaalde geur hebben. Dit Continue Reading →
Kevin Galalae: How to move from global genocide to enlightened and empowering population levels
Deze galerij bevat 1 foto.
JULY 16, 2016 BY ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE LEAVE A COMMENT Kevin Galalae: How to move from global genocide to enlightened and empowering population levels By Alfred Lambremont Webre WATCH Continue Reading →
Has a Stock Market Melt-Up Begun for a Stock Market Crash in 2016?
Melt-ups precede a major stock market crash, and by all appearances we may be in a melt-up right now that could cause a stock market crash in 2016. First, a small bit of euphoria kicked up permabull Continue Reading →
Events are speeding up and as the vibrations increase you will be quickly heading for the last days of the old Age.
Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 15 July, 2016 Events are speeding up and as the vibrations increase you will be quickly heading for the last days of Continue Reading →