>>> ATTENTION <<< To inform everyone, I have been posting info since 06.

Drake Kent


To inform everyone, I have been posting info since 06.

Within all that, there are several items too few are aware of.

A long time ago, I posted a memo from high levels, in government and outside it.

Basically, it stipulates the way in which society is to be taken over.

First, a general destruction on a large social scale, such as the riots.

Second, is an overwhelming of local law enforcement.

Third, is brining in the military to restore order.

Fourth, is the declaration of martial law and the military taking full control.

Fifth, is implementation of a Socialist government. This has to be declared publicly.

Many have heard of Agenda 21. The parameters are stated above.

I hope this gets spread world wide, as it can be validated as part of the manifesto contained in Agenda 21.

Be aware, be ready, be extra vigilent, and be safe.