As we approach the event with all the available information

As we approach the event with all the available information spreading across social media sites. With all the readily
available information about COVID-19 not being a virus, but a Military Live Exercise For Pedophiles, And The US Military Is The Vaccine.

With that information, you can use as a cyper decode from the top down, that any one dying from a vaccine was a pedophile.

This is where the deepstate and cabal puppets come into their ‘game’ – they set upper limits and bounds and ridicule you for expressing the truth, like Jesus and Muhammad are fake. 9/11 was fabricated, school shootings & etc. – they are all false flags created on a set to deceive the world.

The Strings Pulling The Puppets Via
Reptilians/Operation Paperclip Are Under
Exposed Fully Via Executive Order 13818
The Best Is Yet To Come

John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President

WWG1WGA 💞🌹🕊🌍💫