There is no Human that would ever commit these heinous evil acts against our innocent children or to one another.

I’d like to thank everyone for all your Birthday wishes, Carolyn and I loved the messages.

Since we have Initiated Phase IlI, the CGI & Reptillian controllers have been revealed for everyone to see.

They used their vrilled world leaders to maintain control over the population. The reptillian alien/hybrid agenda has been their means of infiltration vs invasion.

Creating hybrid Humans that work with their evil source code, a vessel without a heart or a soul. Embedded with vrills & nanotechnology they also targeted individuals being manipulated via Project MKULTRA a branch under Operation Paperclip & The Nazi World Order/Reptillians.

Every connection to their ‘science’ – FDA, CDC, NIH & other medical fields. It’s the same reason why you couldn’t see your baby immediately after they were born. Why a CO2 test for a nurse has no effect as it does for a child. Clones & Operation Paperclip.

Death is an illusion. THEY created it – mortuaries, cemeteries, hospitals, organ harvesting, genetic modifications & fabricating the diseases.

There is no Human that would ever commit these heinous evil acts against our innocent children or to one another.

The Matrix Was A Documentary

John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President

WWG1WGA 💞🌹🕊🌍💫