Astrology for the Soul January 15, 2020

New Paradigm Astrology 100K abonnees Astrology for the Soul Module 5: Bringing it Alive is now up! Check it out! I am forever getting reminded, About the limits of time and space, Rather than let it get me down, I need to pick up my pace. The fact of the matter is (Saturn in Capricorn LOVES facts) that Life can be cruel. Our little egos cannot grasp or comprehend the infinite intelligence of Life/Source/Creator and are often thrown around like little bobbers on the ocean waves. We (our ego/bodies) are not immortal, we are not omnipotent, invincible, all knowing, or all powerful by any means. We are actually quite fragile, dainty, and easily hurt (whether we admit it or not). However, tho the flesh is weak, the Spirit is strong! We imbue these bodies and these lives with our indomitable, multidimensional, infinite soul-nature and that’s where the fun begins! As co-creators with Source, we incarnate to knead, push, mold, carve, shape, and play with this material world in our own unique way using our own unique gifts. And that inventive spirit is what Aquarius is all about. We’ve been bumped around lately over the rocky road of Saturn/Pluto, but now the time is to regain our footing, take the materials (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) at hand, and get on with re-inventing reality! Best done with a little help from our friends (says Aquarius)!!! For more astrology and Kyoga with Kaypacha visit: For info on the intro music: For info on the closing music: