Birth the Christ Child Within You

Whether you celebrate the glorious time of Christ~Mass or another sacred Holy~Day, this is the time to give birth to the holy Christ child within you. For the Christ does not refer to a historic Jesus, rather the state of consciousness when you return to the awareness that you are a beloved child of Mother/Father God, and your essence is the same unconditional Love and pure Light of Creator Source, with the same qualities of peace, goodness, harmony and unlimited creativity to create a life of joy. Just as Jesus the Christ learned from his Essene elders to connect with the magnificence of the Presence of God within that allowed him to look out of the eyes of his own Divine Presence and behold the Presence of God in the other, which allowed the one before him to awake to their own God Presence and heal themselves, you too have the ability to connect with the Divine Self within you and create miraculous transformations, starting with yourself. ~ The Council of Ascended Masters
Beloved Christ Jesus came not to be worshipped, but as your elder brother to show you the way to recognize the holy Christ child within you, for you are all cherished, beloved sons and daughters of God, filled with the same Truth, Beauty and Goodness of the Divine Creator. You have all come to Earth as fully worthy, empowered and loved, possessing the Love and Light of God. Like Jesus, you have all come to walk the Earth as a Living Master. Now is the time to acknowledge and celebrate the Presence of the Christ Child within you. How do you do that? Recognize the truth of you is this pure Presence of God; this is your True Self without any limitations ~ purely worthy, loved, lovable and deserving of all good things, which you have come to create and experience. You are not your limited negative beliefs, fears or doubts ~ they are all human mis-creations that do not reflect the magnificence of your God Self, any more than they reflect the truth of Mother/Father God from which you were originally birthed out of the heart and mind of Creator Source. Now is the time to claim your holy birth and accept your spiritual inheritance to co-create with and as the Presence of God in your own unique expression in a physical body on Earth. You can birth the Christ Child within you as you consciously align with the Divinity within you as your True Self, and look out of the eyes of your Divine Self, as your brother Jesus did, to see the Presence of God in the other. For He never saw what was wrong with the one before him, their lack or limitation, or any malady or dis-ease they might have. He instead only saw the perfection, the pure Light of God in the other, which allowed them to awaken to their own True Self, the Presence of God within them.
This is your opportunity in this holy Christ~mass Season. Now is the time to let the unconditional Love of your True Divine Self flow through you to all your loved ones, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your associates at work, your community and out into the world. Now is the time to begin beholding all in your world through the eyes of your Christ Self seeing only the Light, the Truth of everyone else as their True Divine Self. Let the Divine qualities of Compassion, Forgiveness, Unity and Oneness transform any past ego behavior of judgment, blame, criticism or non-forgiveness, which create conflict and separation. Let the Christ qualities of Love and enLightenment expand and transform your perspective from limitation, lack, fear, greed and misuse of power to honoring and respecting all the many faces of God which then creates mutually empowered win-win solutions, abundance for all and peace on Earth. We invite you to give yourself the ultimate Gift this Holy Season, birth and celebrate the Child Child within you, which will transform your life in an instant. As the Christ in you, lay every thought upon your heart and only speak and give from your heart of hearts what will fill you with Love and Joy. For as you give the gift of Love and Joy to everyone around you, this is what will return to you a million fold in the New Year. Remember, this is your time to begin walking the Earth as a Living Master. We enfold you in the Unconditional Love and Brilliant Light of the Christ and shower you with all the Gratitude of our Hearts for choosing to be a unique expression of the embodied Presence of God on Earth at this pivotal time of humanity’s awakening and ascension into a New Earth and a new Golden Age of Freedom. We love you beyond measure and are just a thought away.