‘NEW’ RV Intel – QFS Insider Speaks to the Public – from Australian Contact (via email)

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 28-Jul-2019 03:00:07

‘NEW’ RV Intel – QFS Insider Speaks to the Public – from Australian Contact (via email) Mr Ed, The email below is from my QFS contact, sent to him by someone very high up in the RV/GCR, who want’s this out on the public domain.

They are sick of the excuses and want to force the issue, to make sure it happens, before some very pissed off Chinese Elders, pack up their bags and start this thing themselves.

DJ _______________________________ ​To share: Despite everything we are told or have been told this simple process has been waiting on America, on one Donald Trump and on his trusted Generals. Recount Steve Mnuchin held up the process several times and upset the Chinese Elders so much that Trump brought in Judy Sheldon.

In 3 to 4 days she fixed what Mnuchin had messed up since his appointment. The Elders were happy so packed their bags and left for Washington DC for agreed meetings. Then back in steps Mnuchin. I asked all my USA contacts WHY? No one could answer me! And the Elders are left (no actually snubbed) in Washington until they have made it known they have had enough.

So it appears that (very reluctantly) they are seen…and then they head off to California thinking this is now happening. And why shouldn’t they. It is a very simple process. Trump signs a piece of paper and buttons are pushed so then codes are entered. Several simple steps.

But the Mnuchin factor is still there and causes several more disruptions. I ask my American contacts if they can get their ‘up line’ to get messages to Washington? Why was Mnuchin allowed to do this so regularly? Just look at the track record and the myriad of excuses. Audits.

A problem found with the process. WHAT!!! I know for a fact that the QFS system is just about one of the most complete finance pieces of software EVER written. It caters for events that so many have failed to include in the past.

If I shared what I know you would be left gasping for air. I work with Indigenous Australian Elders here in Australia. I have a good working knowledge of the extremely high levels of integrity that Elders adopt.

Do not forget that the Chinese Elders represent the traditional families of China. Their history / pride is based on thousands of years of holding the future in their hands. They take great pride in what they do.

They do it with the utmost integrity and they strictly adhere to a code of honor beyond what so many of us have ever come in contact with. Now to the point of this email. If you are able to share this with the Elders please do, and we both know whom I am pleading to. And to the person I spoke to about Mr. Ed yesterday, PLEASE let him share this on Dinar Chronicles.

I believe that the more this becomes public and Trump and his General will have to deliver what they have promised to do. And we may finally be paid out. If you feel like it, I will wait for your feedback. But consider this – WHY? Several who have held the status POTUS failed to deliver this and the signs are there again if we look correctly.

But maybe, just maybe, if this time they know we are on to them…this time it will finally have a different outcome and that is all I am trying to do…so that the Humanitarian Projects (so many of us have) can finally get moving with funds beyond imagination