Published on Sep 24, 2018
Retailers are complaining that the tariffs are going to hit after the holidays and sales will decline. Sales are going to decline no matter what, this is been happening for the last 10 years, the economy never recovered and retail is getting hit. The housing bubble is bursting and BoA has called the peak. Hold on its going to be a fast ride down. The central banks are continually trying to push the narrative and take the blame off of them. They are now blaming zombie corporations, the originally blamed countries, Trump and cryptcurrencies. They are to blame their system is crashing.
Published on Sep 24, 2018
More bread has been dropped, the deep state continually brings more and more people out of the wood work, but there are so many holes in the story that nobody is buying what they are selling. Grassley is now asking for the lie detector test that they performed. [RR] says he is going to resign because he is going to get fired. The MSM is spinning the story to make it look like [RR] is resigning because he is about to get fired. He is resigning because the truth is about to come out and he is getting to run. The deep state is scrambling the D5 avalanche is about to hit and they have no place to hide.