They keep telling us we are about to be destroyed. At least that’s the persistent mainstream narrative. That our demise is imminent. But is it? Is it OUR demise?
Think. Mirror.
Think, everything we’ve been told for a very long time is, in reality, the opposite. From last year’s declassified JFK & MLK files to the truth about the Comey and company exploits we’re just now finding out about, we’re learning that the FBI is not a law enforcement agency, it’s a lawless nationwide crime syndicate. Charity organizations aren’t helping the poor, turns out they’re multinational illegal slush funds, created and used by politicians and celebrities we once looked up to, protected and often aided by our very own CIA. And, as if all that weren’t bad enough, the utmost trust we are expected to place in things such as our secret FISA courts, and our clergy has been tragically abused and completely forsaken.
And yet somehow, it’s us whose demise is afoot. Funny, right? I didn’t hurt anyone, but the hundreds of priests in Pennsylvania certainly did. I didn’t attempt a coup or commit treason, but James Comey and John Brennan may well have.
But somehow they keep frantically warning us about the certain coming collapse of everything in our world.
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