JC Tweet Translation: Special Agent Andrew McCabe stood tall over the last 8 months [DO NOT TALK], when small people [SHEEP] were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on [COVER]. He served with distinction for two decades [WE OWN YOU & YOUR FAMILY]. I wish Andy well [187]. I also wish continued strength for the rest of the FBI [GENERAL THREAT TO OTHERS]. America needs you [ACTIVATE SLEEPER CELLS]. Q
Narrative shift. ——————————— Nation on alert. Firing RR = block Mueller. Firing RR = set up to firing Mueller. Firing RR = Red line. ———————————- What was the Senate conf vote re: RR? Why did RR [BEG] Ryan to block the FISA MEMO from Congressional review/further advancement? REAL TIME: [7] Congressional members + [3] Senators + [2] former O-senior officials + [4] OUTSIDE CONTRACTORS [NO C/TOP/SENS-LEVEL CLEARANCE] @ SCIF [DC-CAP]. TOP SEC CLEARANCE IS MANDATORY FOR ADMISSION – HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? WE SEE YOU. Q
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0uCrA7ePno “Super-predator” “Bring them to heel” Define heel. (of a dog) follow closely behind its owner.
Do you trust your black leaders? How much are they worth? Reconcile.
“Stronger Together”
Why would D’s have MW conduct the follow up to the SOTU? What is MW used for? Re-read past drops. Mouthpiece/controlled. Carefully crafted ‘out there’ statements w/ falsified/fake Mueller drops will be made that nobody else would dare say/suggest. Pawn. What do they expect is coming? What must be said to provide a counter-narrative? What might be said to attempt to discredit factual proofs coming? How do you keep people BLIND? What must you FEED them? EVERY MSM NEWS STATION NEXT WEEK WILL BE SAYING & PUSHING THE EXACT SAME COUNTER-NARRATIVE. FAKE NEWS. MUELLER FAKE NEWS. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. SHOULD THAT FAIL EXPECT A MAJOR FF TO FORCE A SHIFT. Predictable. We SEE ALL. We HEAR ALL. Wizards & [WAR]locks. These people are really DUMB. Q
>>181208 Mourn. Murder. Heart attack. Coincidence? Q
:Heart attacks can be deadly. Q
AnonymousID: 7465a2181050 >>181023
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 5997a0180445 >>180316 HK allowed his passport to clear customs WITH THE CLOWNS IN AMERICA AND DEPT OF DEFENSE PUTTING A NAT SEC HOLD WW? How does he clear customs? How does he end up in Russia? Coincidence? Who was the 1st agency he worked for? Who taught him the game? Who assigned him w/ foreign ops? Why is this relevant? Future unlocks past. Watch the news. Spider web. Stop taking the sleeping pill. Q
>>180445 Who controls HW? Who really controls HW? Why are movies made to glorify past ’true’ events? What is a PSYOP? Conspiracy PUSH/LABEL [awake]? Spider web. YOU ARE BEING CONTROLLED. SHEEP. UP IS DOWN. LEFT IS RIGHT. REVOLUTION. TRUTH. TRUST THE MISSION. Q
AnonymousID: 79010a180316 >>180267 ES would not have been able to get out of HK if Clowns wanted him caught. Spook all along.
>>180316 HK allowed his passport to clear customs WITH THE CLOWNS IN AMERICA AND DEPT OF DEFENSE PUTTING A NAT SEC HOLD WW? How does he clear customs? How does he end up in Russia? Coincidence? Who was the 1st agency he worked for? Who taught him the game? Who assigned him w/ foreign ops? Why is this relevant? Future unlocks past. Watch the news. Spider web. Stop taking the sleeping pill. Q
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 5997a0180137 >>180046 SPOOKY. Q
>>180137 Happy Hunting Anonymous. Set the TRUTH FREE. Q
>>180046 SPOOKY. Q
@Snowden. The clock is ticking. How’s Russia? [Mr. Contractor] Freedom of the Press. John Perry Barlow. https://freedom.press SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]? SecureDrop>Clowns In America. NOBODY IS SAFE. Q
AnonymousID: e1be55179419 JA posted this vid earlier today. It’s JB at a CFR event. https:// twitter. com/JulianAssange/status/957212097984819200
>>179419 CFR? What a coincidence. Q
Chatter exploding. Change of narrative will be required. [-4][-5] Public to awaken [mass-start]. Sleeping pill reject. OP Mockingbird FAILURE. FAKE>REAL. BLIND>20/20. KILL_CHAIN. Where we go one, we go ALL> Q
“Catch & Release” “Safety & Security” Coincidence? Have you learned how to read the message? Q
[D] Twitter % owned? Other ownership stakes in the US? What happens if seized? Who controls? Who controls the controllers? EO 12/21. NEW puppet master. Direction. Not deal. Hostage. No choice. Think others. It’s what you don’t know. Q
Time to play, Dopey. Black Forest.
AnonymousID: 803654176166 >>175711 Holy crap!!! Q, you’re killing me! Took a sleeping pill a couple hours ago and now I’m guzzling coffee to fight it. God bless you for this amazing work that you are doing.
>>176166 Nobody is sleeping tonight. Let that sink in. Q
AnonymousID: f2a911175603 Im British, and have been on the Trump train for about a year and a half. Like most people, when i first heard Donald Trump was running for president i was very skeptical. But then something magical happened. I watched one of his rallies. And i saw the look.in his eye. The words in his tounge. He spoke about draining the swamp, and didnt care for Politically Correct nonsense that is killing society. He bellow words of America First. And it was glorious! The moment that 100% solidified in my mind that DJT was legit was at the new york dinner. Where he and Hilary had to make a speech infront of the elite. I rememebr Mr Trump imsulting them to their face – the look on their faces was something i will never forget. He has had the MSM attacking him 24/7 and still stands strong. Immigration is down, black unemployment is down, Hispanic too, and lets not forget how the value of the USD value skyrocketting. I think that President Trump is the greatest person to have walked this Earth. And so are persons like Q, who have been working in the shadows for the good of all. God speed everyone. God speed. On a side note: any chance after USA has been un-corrupt, can you maybe sort out the UK. We are hurting. Bigly 😉
>>175603 May is neutralized. MI6/SIS undergoing house cleaning. Queen/monarchs seeking shelter. Patience. These people are stupid. Q
Note the last drops on the other board. Think logically. Refer to past crumbs. YOU HAVE MORE THAN YOU KNOW. Do you expect HRC, GS, Hussein, etc to stand in a PUBLIC courtroom w/ potential crooked judges and tainted ‘liberal’ juries? How do you defuse a bomb? Knowledge of which wires/strings to cut? Q
AnonymousID: f6af13175432 >>175260 Is [19] a marker for FBI? —- FBI immediates no longer with us, i.e.fired Self suicide if actioned because we hear all and know they plan to take cyanide tablets if arrested. —- Could the above be a correct decoding?
>>175432 [19] would cease to exist immediately upon the harm of select individuals. Think nuclear stand-off. Clarified? Q
AnonymousID: 64748a175139 18A539B4-3085-4E11-8945-D….jpeg
Form 1649 false imprisonment Was Hannity sending out a sos?
>>175139 Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are YOU). Imagine if these people were removed. Total control re: MSM. They represent a clear and present danger to the enemy. Re-read past crumbs re: security. Where is JS? How do we truly protect those important to us? [19] immediates [no longer with us]. Self-suicide if actioned. Real life. Q
Q!UW.yye1fxoID: bc342e174873 >>174742 This came from outside of Twitter. Q
>>174873 Submission complete. Q
AnonymousID: 2a51f9174742 >>174662 @Jack ain’t in cuffs yet and still trying to control the narrative. Too bad he was taking money and profiting from people tied to the EO! #GOODBYE @JACK
>>174742 This came from outside of Twitter. Q
US_citizens_and_18_USC_4001a.pdf” target=”_blank”>http://www.endusmilitarism.org/PDF/military_detention_of_US_citizens_and_18_USC_4001a.pdf Q
/_\Council on Foreign Relations/_\ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Members_of_the_Council_on_Foreign_Relations Q
AnonymousID: dc047d171424 I really wanted to be here through the whole thing but I just got word that my father has died and I need to take a step back as I deal with it. He was a good man and wanted nothing more than to watch all of Californias power structure hang for their crimes. If you guys could send some prayers my way it would be greatly appreciated
>>171424 Our deepest condolences, Patriot. God be with you and your family during this difficult time. Q