These articles pulled from
The Public Employee Fraud Against You in a Nutshell
By Anna Von Reitz
When you are born and your parents give you a name it is a Trade Name issued on the land jurisdiction of your birth state— like Oklahoma, but your innocent parents don’t hurry over to the land recording office and record your Common Law Copyright of your given name. Every state’s Session Laws have provisions for doing this, but because your parents don’t know they have to do this and how to do it, something else happens—- people working for foreign corporations come in and “register” your name as property belonging to their corporation.
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Now Let’s See….
By Anna Von Reitz
This is an exercise in logic. Let’s see if you are all competent thinkers and able to reason your way through this situation, okay? If not, I will tell you the answer at the end, and you can go back and try to see where you got off track, just like in algebra class…..
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Our National Probate v. Their National Bankruptcy
By Anna Von Reitz
Come now, wake up. Wake up all the way. Get motivated. Get moving. Spread the word. We have the weather-gauge and are bearing down, but it is up to each and every one of you to educate yourselves and your families and your friends and your communities countrywide. It’s up to you to support us and the work we have taken on. All this had to be done by just a few volunteers using their own resources. Now we need all of you to weigh in and shove.