But yet, no other scammer has ever been as evil as Keshe?


SOURCE:  keshefacts

We originally intended not to post here anymore, but Keshe begged for attention. Unfortunately for him, he now receives it the wrong way. Yes Mehran, your wish is our command. But we return your own wish back to you. Karma is a bitch, as they say.

Of course Keshe will mirror this post again, as he always does, to accuse us of his own crimes, but that’s ok. We know the truth, and we have the witnesses and the evidence. Keshe only has fake evidence and paid slaves.

Keep in mind: the more Keshe and Duff slander, the more it shows they are wrong, and the more they get themselves in trouble. All the godless creatures are now slowly going to hell, that’s why they defend themselves so hard with slander and non-existent or fabricated “evidence”.

While we all wish for peace, we sometimes have to fight hard for it, and we are certainly not afraid of fighting the good fight for WE THE PEOPLE.

Here is the truth about Fabio Alfonso’s death:

An insider of the KF core informed us that there was a heavy conflict between Fabio and MT Keshe for more than one week. Fabio discovered that much of Keshe ideas and talk were fake and straight lies, and there were other personal issues too. Fabio was put by Keshe under severe pressure to keep silent. The evening of the accident Fabio and Keshe had a violent dispute. Fabio left emotionally broken. Indeed Fabio was a victim of Keshe too.

Of course Keshe will tell another story, assisted by his spin-doctors Gordon Duff and Sandor Kakasi.

For all newcomers:

Keshe has been running a disguised satanic mind-control cult for over a decade, with paid fellow scammers Gordon Duff (self-admitted disinfo agent), Sandor Kakasi (former stage magician and scientologist), Douglas Edwards (paid long-time scammer), Kosol Ouch (long-time scammer), Thorbjørn Morstad (paid actor) and many others trying to convince unsuspecting members of the public that Keshe’s (fake) “free energy” technology is real and works. IT DOESN’T WORK. AND KESHE’S INTENTION IS NOT PEACE, BUT THE ANNIHILATION OF MAN.

Via Duff’s high-level CIA contacts, politicians were made to put pressure on Italian police to silence them, so Keshe can get away with his crimes, while (as usual) blaming them on his (innocent) former collaborators, or on people like Sam Smith and others, whom he calls “The Red Circle”. Blame-shifting at its finest, done by a criminal of exceptional proportions.

Ladies and gentlemen, with Keshe we are witnessing one of the most criminal operations of the millenium, supported by Gordon Duff, another godless individual. AND ALL JUST FOR MONEY AND ATTENTION.

No Gordon, the world did NOT end yesterday, and it won’t. There are GOOD (Do you know what good means ? It includes NOT LYING, and not randomly accusing innocents!) people working in the background, making sure that lunatics like you or Keshe will not succeed in trying to blow the world up. If you have achieved over-unity as you say, THEN SHOW IT TO THE WORLD. Making up empty claims and fantasy stories out of your basement is getting old, we are all tired of it. SHOW US PROOF!

Speaking of proof, here is proof that Duff is assisting Keshe in his global fraud. In this audio from 2013, Duff claims that “the US has developed anti-gravity and other technologies.” He says “that energy weapons not only exist but are deployed that make our largest nuclear weapons look like a walk in the park” and that “space weapons have long been deployed,not just nuclear weapons but energy weapons.” Then how come Duff is now promoting Keshe so heavily as a “breakthrough”, when all those technologies already existed in 2013 ? Especially as Keshe’s “technology” doesn’t even work! So Duff is only in for the money, which he receives through Keshe’s global fraud. It seems both Veterans Today and the Keshe Foundation are CIA operations. Considering that the CIA also funded ISIS, it all makes sense. These are terrorists supporting each other.

An innocent young man had to die because he knew too much about Keshe, and his even younger girlfriend is now in a coma. How practical for Keshe, so he can now conduct his Frankenstein experiments on her, the same way he did in Belgium. However, those experiments are not meant to wake Naomi up, but to make sure she never wakes up, as Keshe wouldn’t want her to tell the truth. Naomi of course knows the full truth about the Keshe scam and how Fabio was killed. But what Dr. MengeleKlaus and others don’t seem to realize is that the Keshe “health unit” will not make people healthy, it will KILL them through magnetic fields, the same way cellphone radiation causes cancer.


Given the fact that Keshe (and now Duff) always mirrors everything he does, to accuse others of his own crimes, we have to assume that EVERYTHING Keshe and Duff put out was actually committed by themselves. So all those articles about satanic free energy cults, murder, child sacrifice and other immoral deeds, were probably describing the modus operandi of Keshe and Duff themselves. They are probably the pedophiles who run this criminal worldwide network which they call the Illuminati or “The Khazarian Mafia”.

We would also like to point out something very obvious, which was obviously missed by most people: Everytime Keshe showed his satanic hand signs, there was a terror attack soon afterwards. Check the dates yourself!

a) 121st KSW: July 12th 2016: Keshe showed satanic hand signs directly into the camera.

Followed by: Terror attack in Nice, France: July 14th 2016.

Quote: “a 19 tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds” – exactly the same way Fabio died! Hit by a truck! The same handwriting.

b) 122nd KSW: July 21st 2016: Keshe showed satanic hand signs directly into the camera.

Followed by: Terror attack in Munich, Germany: July 22nd 2016.

Quote: “Police say motive of German-Iranian teenager (…) is ‘completely unclear’” (did he watch the Keshe workshops the day before to receive his activation code via Keshe’s hand signs ?)

All this can’t be coincidence. So we have to assume that Keshe’s hand signs were secret messages to mind-controlled sleepers (Daesh/ISIS ?), who were then activated to commit these horrible terror attacks in France and Germany, and probably elsewhere. So WHO is responsible for all that ? WHO showed the satanic hand signs ? WHO had a conflict with Fabio ? WHO stole patents and technology ? WHO let others do the work for him, only to slander them afterwards ? Not the “Red Circle” (which doesn’t even exist). No, it is and always has been KESHE. All the negative things Keshe claims about others (murderer, pedophile, money launderer, liar, agent…), are apparently true for himself, while all the positive things Keshe claims about himself (Messiah, bringer of peace, scientist…), are not true at all.

So in short, it seems Keshe himself runs the global satanic crime syndicate that Duff writes about, and which they blame on the imaginary “Red Circle”. Keshe is therefore a heavy criminal, and Duff is complicit in his crimes, by protecting Keshe and helping him traumatize his victims.


The “peace” bringers and “saviours” of humanity… thanks but no thanks.

So where does humanity go from here ? TO HELL.


Side note: As expected, Douglas did NOT meet Obama. It was just another hyped non-event, exactly like the hyped Dubai conference. But as usual they will find all kinds of excuses and accusations, only to say “We don’t make accusations.” The insanity and emptiness never end in the Keshe Foundation.

Driving a non-working device (which was again not even invented by Keshe or his followers, but based on Gerard Morin’s ideas, AND has a rechargeable battery inside!LOL – what a cheap scam!) across the USA, only to have a new age hippie party in Washington to boost Keshe’s ego is simply insane. Luxury for a narcissist. And another failed event that will still be celebrated by KF followers as if it was a world-changing sensation, when in fact NOTHING happened, as usual. Big empty talk in exchange for big money, the real slogan of the Keshe Foundation. While a few hundred mehrans morons still watch Keshe’s workshops and support his criminal plan, the rest of the world is laughing at him, people like Obama and Putin included. At least now the KF followers have *another* new (meaningless) blueprint that will keep them busy for a while, until Keshe changes everything around again, to divert attention away from his global “divide and conquer” plan. None of his followers ask themselves why “they have everything they need”, including numerous blueprints, but yet the big change hasn’t come yet. You need to get this inside your head people: NONE of Keshe’s megalomaniac fantasies are true! NONE! You are CONSTANTLY being lied to and manipulated!

This is part of how Keshe’s repetitive scam works:




And when there is the slightest earthquake, all the focus shifts to sending KF “emergency teams” into disaster areas, so Keshe can play the samaritan again, when in fact he has NOTHING in his hands to help people in need. Except money, but he is too greedy to give it to the poor. What a “good” person he is… at least people who are blinded by his clownery think that way.

However, what most people don’t see is the seriousness of Keshe’s evil agenda. Not only is he responsible for Fabio’s death and Naomi’s coma, he also wants to build nuclear weapons to wipe out humanity. (Quote Keshe: “We wipe you out totally with your own soul.”)

Here is proof:

Keshe always said: cobalt is radioactive… “don’t use it”. In this video from May 2013and in several of his “workshops” he warned against the usage of cobalt.

But in the 130th KSW on August 13th 2016 Keshe asked people to add cobalt to zinc (!)

Quote from Wikipedia: “Zinc has been proposed as a “salting” material for nuclear weapons(cobalt is another, better-known salting material).”

And in the 131st KSW he even asked people to add caesium and cobalt. (!)

Which means Keshe is searching for an alpha radiation source again, because none of his previous products work.

So now Keshe expects his followers to build nuclear weapons and carry them to the White House and to other political and religious institutions, disguised as a “march for peace”. Keshe’s products are therefore trojan horses.

Legitimate question: does Keshe want to send his unsuspecting followers to presidents to blow them up, so he can take over the world ? The answer has to be: yes.

So again:


Sweet dreams

In our last post, we pointed out how Keshe and some of his followers harass innocents. Now they went a step further. Caroline has now been stalking friends of my daughter.

Incredible how low Caroline and M.T. Keshe can sink to maintain their network of lies and slander. Who gave them the right to harass my daughter or her friends ? These are the criminal methods of nasty crooks. So for speaking the truth, this is how me and my family get treated by someone who in the past called himself my friend and brother.

The question is: If Keshe’s teachings are so correct, why do they need to resort to such methods ? If he has so much EVIDENCE against me, and if the police was going to arrest me one year ago already, why do they need to stalk my daughter and her friends, only to share their own nasty satanic pedophile fantasies with them ? Nobody is interested in this scum, except people that have similar desires. A man who claims to have the power to change the course of humanity needs to harass women to get his point across ?

The truth is that M.T. Keshe and his wife Caroline are two empty, paranoid, schizophrenic narcissists who are not willing to give up their standard of living, which they achieved only by scamming and deceiving people. Keep in mind that the majority only sees what Keshe does in public, but his “work in the background” remains hidden (occult).

Again, we didn’t start this conflict, and we did nothing wrong. We only informed people of the truth. We hereby ask support from all our readers who care about truth and justice, to help stop these two criminals from doing further harm. Inform the police and all potential KF followers about their criminal methods. We also ask our female readers to UNITE and stand up for women’s rights, and to help all women who have been harassed by Keshe or his wife.

It’s interesting to see Mehran Tavakoli Keshe’s and Caroline’s flawed logic: First they come up with a crazy story they invented in their sick minds, a pure fallacy about pedophilia. A tale with numerous contradictions. Then, because Sterling Allan (a self-confessed USA pedophile) was found guilty, I must be guilty too. And because Sterling Allan abused his two daughters, and I have two daughters as well, I must have abused my daughters too. So according to Caroline’s and Keshe’s insane and inverted logic, anyone who has children who confirm they have NOT been raped, is automatically a rapist. Thank God that the juridical system is a little bit more sane and logical and does not work like this.

Here is another delusional and misleading statement by Caroline (unedited):

“They can’t mis use what you have learned from this technology .
It is a promise from MT Keshe not a single soul will be harmed by this technology.
Even when it doesn’t look like it still it will be for the benefit off mankind remember that.
Carolina De Roose”

Sure, “they” can’t misuse the technology because it simply doesn’t work. The “theory” of Keshe is not based on reality, and was never proven or confirmed by independent third party scientists. Besides, “they”, whoever they are, don’t even know about the “technology” because it has no meaning, and therefore “they” have no intention to misuse anything. It’s not the “technology”, but Keshe and Caroline who cause harm with their negative intentions, by accusing, stalking, insulting and threatening, and then saying “We don’t make accusations”. So ridiculous. All the time M.T. Keshe accuses others of blocking his technology. He refers to an imaginary worldwide conspiracy to create credibility for his ideas, and claims that for this reason “others” want to assassinate him and his family. But the “technology” is only secondary. A decoy, as Keshe confessed himself in his previous workshops.

The main task of M.T. Keshe and Caroline is to attack their former supporters and silence all possible criticism through all kinds of intimidation (such as showing satanic signs and making threats), and to keep them afraid, to create attention for themselves, and to keep their childish cult going. In every cult, it is forbidden to ask about the philosophy and actions of the Guru. It’s a fact that some people drank the GANS and had internal bleedings. So to say nobody will be harmed is another outright lie. It just shows that M.T. Keshe and Caroline only talk for the sake of talking, but whatever they say has no meaning or is intentionally false. The whole purpose of the Keshe Foundation is to create MONEY for Keshe and Caroline. Both of them know no other way to make money. That’s all there is to it.

Keshe and correct ethos ? DREAM ON.

Keshe’s nonsense has become so extreme and crazy that no intelligent person would want to deal with it anymore. He just keeps repeating his old pattern over and over again.

1) Keshe claims to have a working technology but he doesn’t, and he always refused to give evidence or demonstrations. Instead he uses the cheap argument that such demonstrations were blocked by governments, multi-nationals or criminals.

2) If things don’t go as planned, he blames it on the Jewish lobby, the Rothschilds, the Germans, or the imaginary “Red Circle”.

3) He repeats his nonsense for several hours until some believe it or are convinced, just like an Arab carpet seller tries to sell you a cheap carpet. But M.T. Keshe’s goes even further. He claims that it’s a flying carpet, and by just sitting on it, that magic carpet will heal you from any disease, and will even feed you with energy.

4) People love fantasy stories, disaster reports and conspiracy theories, so he gives them that non-stop.

5) Every year his empty promises are being repeated, and each time a few people fall for his scams. That’s how he makes money.

6) He repeats in every workshop: “From now on, everything will change.”

7) He repeats in every workshop: “I release the technology very soon.” But nothing is ever shown.

8) Anyone who disagrees with him or asks some kind of proof is called a murderer and/or a pedophile.

9) Go back to 1)

In the 122nd KSW, I was of course blamed again as well. This time, I was falsely accused of murdering Fabio, as expected, even though it happened next to Keshe’s house. For sure my arms are not long enough to reach from Belgium to Italy, but Keshe admitted he was the last person who saw Fabio alive. I ask you: Did Fabio find out the truth about Keshe ? Did Keshe and Fabio have severe arguments ? Was Fabio upset ? Did Keshe falsely accuse Fabio ? Ask yourself what happened in reality. And also ask yourself about Keshe’s intentions when he says things like “You took the life of a boy, we take the life of a nation.”

Meanwhile Keshe and Dr. Klaus (who is not a Medical Doctor)  continued their illegal medical experiments on Naomi who is still in coma. Incredible that her father Giovanni allows this?

Keshe also repeated his “Horned Hand” sign several times, and tried to find numerous ridiculous justifications as to why his satanic hand signs are no satanic hand signs. No matter what Keshe tells you, they ARE satanic. Please read all our previous posts to find more info and links.



He said “I teach you the universal language”, so he thinks this gives him a free ticket to use his satanic signs without problems in the future, because his brainwashed followers believe every word he says. This will show how many REAL Christians there are in the KF, and how many of them will now worship Satan under the disguise of being Christians. WHAT AN INSANE SITUATION! This is indeed the age of deception. So we can expect KF followers to run around, showing satanic hand signs to everyone, while believing this way they can communicate with aliens. What an insane, malicious mess Keshe has created. If showing these hand symbols was so harmless, then why was the 121st KSW censored on Youtube ? It’s clear that Keshe is only trying to find excuses now, even though he continued his evil agenda by saying“I took your physicality and your emotion and now you go back.” So Keshe uses the satanic signs as the “Universal Language” for his “New Universal Order”. Replace “Universal” by “Luciferian” and you might be much closer to the truth. He said “We don’t allow noone connected with Malta or connected with Illuminatis or masons… they have abused the man.” but HE HIMSELF is allowed to use all those hand signs that others are not allowed to use. Does nobody get the idea that Keshe himself could be an Illuminati, when he uses their symbols, and even proudly repeats them ? In essence this recent development shows that M.T. Keshe smoothly turned the “non-religious” Keshe Foundation into a Satanic cult. This means that from now on, all Keshe followers are Satan worshippers. Indeed, Keshe’s “Horned Hand” is part of the universal language of Lucifer, the dark force, the enemy of God.


In the 122nd KSW, M.T. Keshe also attacked the Jews again, showing that he is a racist, but of course he insisted that we are all equal. He says things like “Anyone who does a crime is a Jew”, but he is half Jewish himself, so what does it say about him ? So much hypocrisy and BS it’s amazing that his followers don’t get tired of it. And then of course there was again a lot of talk about murderers and abusers, which clearly shows what’s on Keshe’s mind all the time: death and destruction.

When MT Keshe said “Please understand: we are not here to bring a new kind of slavery”, it was clear that he used his inversion again. He DOES bring a new kind of slavery. Just look at all those brainwashed people who waste their time on mixing several substances, and then they think they can create peace with it. It all has become so crazy, it’s hard to believe that Keshe still has any followers at all.

Ask yourself: if any regular guy on the street told you all this nonsense and that he had such a “flying carpet” at home, would you believe it ? No, you would think they are crazy. But you believe Keshe. Why ? Why do you think he has any credibility at all ? Just because he is stubborn and sounds confident ?

A man who claims that anyone who attends elections and votes is a murderer cannot be mentally sane. And a man who replies to “Shall we help people who committed many crimes ?” by saying “Understand what I said about the Caesium and Iodine”… well, no comment.

Then Keshe also said that his products WILL be certified, even though over the past years he has been saying many times that his products ARE already certified. So we see his lies again. None of his products will ever be certified because THEY DON’T WORK and they don’t fulfill any safety standards.

Then in the 122nd KSW, someone from England called in and wanted to know some information about the KF. It seemed that Keshe was familiar with the voice. The person asked: “How are you today, Sir?”, and Keshe was in some kind of panic. He only said “Rick, can you take this thing off please ?” And then the person was of course accused of being part of the “Jewish lobby”… or was he a Mossad officer ? That is “love and care”, as given by the false Messiah. This shows that there is no freedom of speech in the Keshe Foundation. People have to do what the dictator wants.

All in all Keshe has become a sad clown, like Jerry Springer was, who holds pseudo-scientific comedy workshops, where he explains proven scientific facts the wrong way so they fit his agenda. None of what he says has any base in reality, it’s just pure insanity, misleading and misrepresentation, and mumbo jumbo that is intended to show his own alleged intellectual supremacy, when in fact every normal person can see that Keshe and his wife are scammers, liars and criminals.

But they will be brought to justice sooner or later. The head of Europol, Rob Wainwright, explained today that they will connect national and international criminal databases in a better way, because they found out that the terrorist attackers of Paris, Brussels or Munich all had a past as small criminals like Keshe. Just look at Keshe’s quotes to see how he keeps inciting terrorist attacks. So any such movement needs to be stopped at the beginning, before it gets out of hand.

We kept showing you the obvious, so please open your eyes and wake up, before you get caught in something you will not enjoy. Do not get fooled by Keshe when he says he is no satanist. He has been behaving like a satanist before he showed his hand signs, “but you never understood”.

At least some KF followers and former merchandise partners are starting to wonder…



(if you can’t read the above text, right-click on the image and select “view image”)

And for all those who still think the American drone was brought down with Keshe “technology”, here is the true information behind that, which we received FROM AN IRANIAN INSIDER, several months BEFORE Keshe exposed himself as a satanist on July 14th 2016.

Remember that Keshe always says: “I thank the Iranian government and the Iranian space agency and…”

Now read what the Iranian insider told us:

“Keshe is no longer welcome in Iran because he speaks lies, especially that he started the space program of Iran, or that Iran took down the American drone with his tech. The truth is the Iranian military used USRP-RTL-SDR systems that are made to jam frequencies.

Keshe is known in Iran as a SCAM, and that’s the truth.

And then he came up with this totally illogical and ridiculous excuse, saying that Israel kills Iranian scientists in Iran. So the goverment said he would be safer outside of Iran. That’s why he is not allowed to go back to his own country. Has nobody ever wondered why there is no Keshe Foundation Iran ?

Keshe is a satanist trying to steal your money and your beliefs!”

And indeed now we see the truth about the satanic Keshe cult, as Keshe is trying to sell satanic symbols as the “universal language”.

Another smart Iranian commented today on this video:

“I was really shocked how those people who call themselves Drs, lecturers and professors believed that guy… I said this two years ago about Keshe that he’s a liar. As an Iranian I’m so ashamed of him. I know many great scientists from Iran but this guy is a psychopath! The greatest scientists in the world like Einstein and Tesla PROVED what exactly they have done and their work shaped our world. They didn’t go to governments to sell their science and technology.”

How it began

We now show how the “fight” between Keshe and myself started. We see how Keshe himself creates his own imaginary enemies to “divide and rule”. My original post can be found here. You see how so many KF followers supported me in 2015, but now they either attack me, or they turned away from me, although I did nothing wrong. Back then everyone could see that the person who attacked me wanted to hurt me. I was kind enough not to mention Keshe, but later it turned out that the attacker was Keshe himself! So I ask all my former supporters: why did you then tolerate the false attacks on me, once you found out that Keshe was personally behind them ? Because of your support for Keshe, he increased the attacks on me and caused more and more division. So I ask you: where is the unity now, that we saw in 2015, before Keshe ruined everything ?

Keshe couldn’t admit or accept his own mistake: stabbing his best friend Dirk in the back. But this is how parasitic narcissists live their lives, on the back of other people, to always appear as perfect and loved, and to never give the impression of having flaws. However, in this case, Keshe’s false ethos was revealed, and it bothered him so much that he invented this huge “Red Circle” story, to make me look like a liar, when in fact Keshe has been the liar. I ask all the people who supported me against evil back then, to re-read what they wrote back then, and then to decide if they are still on a correct path, considering all the attacks Keshe has launched in the recent past.

So here is my post, followed by comments by KF supporters. Flashback to April 2015!

Dirk Laureyssens April 30, 2015

Dear friends of the Keshe Foundation,

for many years I have been involved with the KF, from its start in 2005. So I designed the KF logo, set up the initial website, helped Mehran Tavakoli Keshe to publish the three books, helped Keshe with the writing of the patents. So you can imagine that the events in Bari were exciting for me, the KF presence at LUM university in Trani is indeed a great achievement after all these years. Thus the meeting with the people of the KF core group and KF supporters gave me intense pleasure, a feeling of unity around a common goal.

However, something made me sad in Bari. I want to share with all of you what happened. “Someone” in the Keshe Foundation found it important to tell lies about me, trying to destroy my integrity and loyalty. I have no idea about the reason for that. What is that lie ? “Someone” spread the rumor that I am an agent of the Belgian security service. Which is a completely lunatic statement, a manifest lie. The same lie was spread about MD Eliya Kostova, that she would be an active agent of the Bulgarian secret service, present in Bari to murder core members of the KF.

The saddest thing is that the Keshe Foundation projects the ethics of absolute truth, unity, world peace and high morality, but it seems to me that these high moral principles are no longer respected by some people in the Keshe Foundation. That way the Keshe Foundation will destroy itself from the inside.

I am really sorry to inform you about all of this, but the truth prevails.

Love you all!

Dirk Laureyssens

Milan Dolinar April 30, 2015

Hello Dirk,

some years ago I was in Jerusalem. I stood there on a wonderful evening in the middle of the old town and had the feeling I was never on a “higher” place on earth. It felt like being pull to heaven. At the same time, I could sense all the religions and people who tried to get as close together as possible, just to be at the center of that elevation point. It felt like all where pushing each other away, that no one could feel and benefit from the elevation of this point, anymore. Maybe we have a somehow simliar situation? Don´t feed this energy. The trues will always be the trues.

Dirk Laureyssens April 30, 2015

yes, thank you Milan Dolinar, appreciate

Keith Metz April 30, 2015

Dirk, so sorry to hear this, as you know I have been following Keshe for many years, and am still skeptical, however I still try and keep an open mind on his science. I hope you find out who spread such lies. It reminds me of this old Indian Story, it is so true. Best wishes………….http://www.sapphyr.net/natam/two-wolves.htm

Roland Genrich April 30, 2015

tell you the following question: who brings that information to you? He knows the person or is the person who spread lies

Renan-Janell Lim April 30, 2015

There was a part of a saying “If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be Honest anyway… What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight, Build anyway You see in the final analysis. it is between you and the Creator; It was never between you and them anyway.”
Cheers…Peace be with us all.

Annie Buisset April 30, 2015

wow DIRK! on this moment you are not the only person to be attack, unfortunately! as you say some persons trie to put down the keshe fondation, it is a shame every where but we are all connected, so it is the reality on this moment…it will change in a few month…yes peace be with us all

Marek Ištvánek April 30, 2015

Dear Dirk, I have seen You at the LUM university (over the internet) to be happy and I feel You try to help in good ways. That is why You have put so big effort to support KF.

Why are so many people that were or are involved with KF falsely accused so often?

I have been through it and my other friends and You as well.
From my own experience I see the truth may be twisted directly at KF.

I hope KF will continue with more clean way and will bring something spiritually enlighten as well, because otherwise the technology would not stay alive.

Good luck to everybody…

Mark House April 30, 2015

It is my hope that such devilry will cease so the Kf can become a true guiding light for all humanity.

Those who would attempt to impugn others and spread false, hurtful rumors end up hurting only themselves.

What will prevail is the truthfulness of the teachings — lasting eternally just as our own existence in a comprehensive creation and future does.

Let peace and harmony be obtained in our world. The time for lies, deceptions, and evil intentions must be guarded against and steered back on course by a constant and ever vigilant humanity that envisions it with every breath.

Histana Nima April 30, 2015

Be strong Dirk! All that is only provocations to see how strong and united we are. Whole world is waiting for Peace and Freedom

Jeannie Alvin April 30, 2015

I am so sorry to hear this, Dirk Laureyssens. Did you let Mr. Keshe know? Definitely you should write him a letter, even in the forum.

Jack Sovereign April 30, 2015

It comes with the territory Dirk. The KF is transforming society day by day now and the powerful interests will use every form of attack or subversion available to them.

Since last October, MK put the shielding up, so the option of wave/energy weapons attack is no longer a factor.

Out of necessity they’ve had to change tactics. Creating suspicion and lack of trust among members can be an effective strategy. If you are gullible to not recognize the obvious.

Its strange they attack you, since you have been so close to KF for so long and are such a well regarded person. But since Belgium has been the source of much of the trouble, simply by proximity they selected you. This seems like a desperate move in my opinion, as the allegation is so obviously absurd.

Eliya is a much easier case to make. Since she is leading the medical program. Within a short time, virtually all disease and medical conditions will be eradicated via KT.

Which means:

Standard ‘Medical’ Practice Bankrupt!!! ‘Medical’ Insurance Racket Bankrupt!!! Pharmaceutical Poisons Bankrupt!!!

Clearly there’s a lot to lose for them.

Your right though, MK must investigate who is spreading such rumors. This infiltration is serious and much too close. Keshe could be in real physical danger.

He should insist the person be identified and produce evidence to support these accusations or they should be forced to leave immediately.

Sarah Beckman May 1, 2015

I am saddened to believe that anyone could say and do such ugly things to such beautiful souls as you, Dirk, and Eliya or anyone involved with the beautiful Keshe Foundation. I know that the energy of TRUTH is palpable from Mr. Keshe and all that he is and does. There are so many of us that do have the “eyes to see” and our power must be frightening to the dark ones. We must see it as a good sign that where the wind of TRUTH blows there will be dirt and dust flying, whirling visibly out of the way. I love you all and support you in every way that I can. Stay strong and keep up the fabulous work. I thank you all for you bravery, your intelligence and your love for humanity.

Anna von Reitz June 12, 2015

People project their fears and their fears become realities— that is the mirror effect of our Universe. Whoever these people are, they are afraid of the “Bad Guys” out there, so they are projecting their fears outward on you. So long as you reflect back love, their fears are counteracted.

Alain Beauregard July 22, 2015

I like when he say’s he uses simple words, these are the only simple words he uses. So copying is the last resort, hoping that we do it the correct way….. I am happy that the russians and the french and chinese understand what they are doing and stopping, dangerus, planes, missiles and ship from doing harm… to anybody.

Dirk Laureyssens July 8, 2016

Of course, now in 2016 all of you know that calling me a Belgian spy, ready to kill members of the KF core, was done by MT Keshe himself. After the Bari 2015 meeting, Keshe attacked me constantly in public, during his pseudo scientific lectures, and created incredible fake stories about me. He accused me to be the head of a pedophile network that Keshe calls the Red Circle.

The reason of his constant accusations is clear: Keshe needs to cover up his own failures to have real results (where is the proof of his flying reactors? Never demonstrated) So Keshe creates external enemies that “block” his technology. Of course there are not such enemies. We absolutely hope that humanity will find a new way to explore space. But the “scientific” Magnetic-Gravitational solution/theory of Keshe simply doesn’t work. Neither his derivate Magravs power units work. Keshe fails to make it/them work. But the pride of Keshe is so giant, that he can not admit his failure. His theory is not correct and bogus. And …Further he makes giant money with selling fraud products and reactors. It is estimated that last 3 months of 2015 he made 20 million Euro in pure profit by selling not-working products. So he uses the Nazi (Hermann Göring) trick of pointing to external enemies.
So, for all those who think Keshe is legitimate, and for those who STILL run after Keshe, please look at the e-book that tells the TRUTH about Keshe: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1bS8XxezriXeUlDQkFOMVo1b2s&usp=drive_web

Now for our final words.

Over the past few months, we at keshefacts.org have revealed the truth about Mehran Tavakoli Keshe and the Keshe Foundation. We have shown lots of evidence of Keshe’s scam(s), which resulted in him revealing his true mindset more and more. It is now obvious to everyone, that the Keshe Foundation is a satanic mind-control cult with a very dark agenda. No promises are being kept, but people are being lied to non-stop, they are being defrauded and manipulated, and on top of it, everyone who speaks the truth is being attacked, falsely accused and slandered.

Our love for peace is as strong as our love for the truth. As it is obvious that Keshe will NEVER admit his mistakes, and he will NEVER stop attacking innocent people, we decided to turn our backs on him, not because he put us under pressure, or because we fear police action, no, but Keshe took too much of our time and energy, and now we put an end to this. Keshe has no value to us. Like we said before: M.T. Keshe is zerotic, has zero to say and zero to show, and his repetitive sermon has zero importance. From now on, Keshe will receive no more attention from us. We advice everyone to turn away from him too. Keshe has the ethos of a predator and a parasite. Keshe, a man who is at war with humanity. Keshe, a man who has the nerve to accuse others of his own crimes, when all the evidence is against him.

In Bari I said on camera: “I am proud to know Keshe.” At that same event Keshe stabbed me in the back and falsely accused me of being an agent who wants to kill him. Since then, his attacks have become worse and worse, only because I was honest. Now I am no longer proud. In fact, I am sorry I ever met Keshe. He took advantage of my good intentions and my ideas for a better world, only to damage and slander me. And now he even attacks my family. I have never known anyone that evil.

Some people will always fall for deceivers like Keshe. And Keshe knows no other way to make money, than to scam people. We have done what we could do. The information and truth about Keshe is out there. Smart people will read it before they get involved in the KF. The rest deserves to be scammed. They WANT to be scammed.

Like the song “Sweet Dreams” by Eurythmics goes:

“Everybody’s looking for something.
Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to get used by you.
Some of them want to abuse you.
Some of them want to be abused.”

To Mehran: go find yourself a new enemy, you will probably find them in your own family or in the KF core. I hereby distance myself from your Satanic crap, and I will continue to work for real progress and for the real benefit of humanity, for example with my Mentrino project.



“The angel threw him into the bottomless pit,
which he then shut and locked so Satan could not
deceive the nations anymore until the thousand
years were finished. Afterward he must be
released for a little while.” – Revelation 20:3

To Mehran and Caroline: Speaking empty words of peace in public, but privately harassing women. You are a shame to humanity.

Good luck to everyone else. Stay alert and question everything, and don’t let the terrorists win. No more crimes shall be committed under the false name of “Forced Peace”, “New Dawn” or “One Planet, One Nation, One Race”. Unlike what Keshe tells you, you ALWAYS have a choice. It’s called FREE WILL. It is YOUR choice: you can choose God, or you can choose Lucifer. WE CHOOSE GOD. WE CHOOSE PEACE. That’s why we now kick Keshe and his Satanic cult out of our lives.

Not Keshe/Satan/Lucifer brings peace. No technology brings peace. GOD brings peace.


To all good people out there:

Please pray and/or meditate for PEACE and UNITY during these rough times on Earth. BE AT PEACE. BE HUMAN.

Love you all,

Dirk + team

“The greed of the man”

Attention! Irony!
Last Thursday, all the knowledge has been released, and so we are convinced that by tomorrow, all KF followers will be flying around in their Keshe spaceships, as now the secret is out! Nobody can block the knowledge anymore! Humanity can now go to space! We would be VERY disappointed if after Keshe’s HUGE disclosure, his followers still weren’t able to build their ships! So go guys, SHOW US THE EVIDENCE!

Gordon Duff said that Keshe is the most stubborn person ever. We agree. He put himself and his followers on a path of self-destruction. However, Gordon Duff also said that Keshe is stubborn because he cannot accept it when there is wrongdoing. Seriously ?

The truth is that Keshe’s EGO is being insulted whenever someone points out HIS wrongdoings, and that’s where he gets stubborn and wants to attack those who speak the truth, those who have done nothing wrong. But Gordon Duff doesn’t see that, because like Keshe, he denies God. And while Duff writes articles that suggest that he is against satanic cults, he still supports the Keshe Foundation, which is… another satanic cult.

So Keshe wants to spread his FALSE LIGHT like a disease, and he makes people believe in lies, only to serve the ego of Keshe and his close followers like Sandor. These people are predators who go for the innocent. They desperately want to prove that the innocent are guilty, while the guilty one is being protected, because they refuse to open their eyes to the deceptions of their Messiah. So they stay locked down inside their satanic cult, attacking innocents, because, as Keshe would say: “They are paid to do.”

But who protects the innocent from these harassers of humanity who continue to attack and harm them ?? Where is the REAL and non-corrupt law enforcement that will bring Keshe to justice ?

In the 23rd international workshop, there were even more contradictions than usual. Keshe said for example “Time is short”, only to contradict himself a few minutes later:“You have enough time, don’t worry.” So if he just kept quiet and said nothing, the information transfer would be exactly the same.

It was funny when Keshe said in his extended slander session that my patents are not mine and that I stole them. This is another manifest lie. In reality, KESHE uses my theory as the base of his own theory. And the intellectual property for my puzzles is of course my own as well.

And when Keshe said “We didn’t start a new religion, we didn’t start a new sect”, it was clear that he was denying the obvious. Cults ALWAYS tell you that they are not a cult.

Keshe also often mentions my “half a million house”. Here is why:
In Tiegem (Belgium), Keshe lived in a terrible old house. He is extremely greedy and pure materialistic, so he was jealous of my apartment. Keshe’s greed is the reason why he talked about this “half a million house” because he thinks he deserved better than me. It’s his usual competitve thinking: “I am better than you”.

There is also Keshe’s zerotic story about his arrest in Canada. He claims that I organized his arrest and that I was paid very well by my “paymasters” (who don’t exist!) In reality I was not even aware that Keshe had left Belgium to travel to Mexico, via Canada. Keshe claims that on his return from Canada, I was able to buy an exclusive apartment in Antwerp. However Keshe knows very well – in detail – what happened in reality. The apartment was paid 1) with money my father gave me as an official gift, and 2) with money I received from the public sales of my house in Zoersel due to my divorce. All this can be proven by bank transfers. So the dirty claims of Keshe are easy to debunk and easy to check by official services. I am sure that even FBI and CIA are able to get that information. Keshe knows the truth, but he deliberately lies to the public. So in reality I don’t live in a “half a million house”, Keshe does. It’s just Keshe’s usual exaggeration and inversion.

But everything Keshe owns now, he is only able to afford because of his scam. That’s why he keeps defending his useless “technology”, because he doesn’t want to give up what he “achieved” by stealing other people’s ideas and money.

That’s the real reason for Keshe being so stubborn, because he made a fortune on the back of brainwashed supporters and followers, and he is not willing to give up his luxurious lifestyle that includes a villa, a swimming pool and several large, expensive cars.

So how ironic that out of all people, greedy Keshe constantly talks about the “greed of the man”. In reality, whenever he judges people like that, he talks about himself.

But his followers also learned very well how to scam people. There are people in Germany selling CONFIRMED NON-WORKING magrav units (as confirmed by THEMSELVES!) for 1047 Euros each, and whoever buys them, gets a coupon for 500 Euros. But that coupon can only be traded for health pens. They also sell EMPTY WOODEN BOXES for the pens, for almost 200 Euros per box. Incredible that ANYONE falls for such an EMPTY scam.



No difference between GANS treated and untreated plants

The KF uses this fake slogan: “A new technology to free humanity”, when in reality it should be “A non-existent technology to brainwash, harm and further enslave humanity”.

Keshe has NO solution for ANY disease. He can NOT cure HIV/AIDS, cancer, coma, ALS, or any other disease. Any such claim by the KF is an intentional, criminal act to mislead people who are already struggling with their health situation.

If there is something we cannot accept, it’s severe injustice and the exploitation and abuse of good, innocent or sick people, especially when done under the disguise of this pretentious “correct ethos” and fake “world peace”.

More evidence of Keshe’s LACK of ethos:

Here you can hear from another former KF supporter what happened: like so many others, he had ordered two Magrav units for 2000 Euros, but never received them. THIS IS THE GREED OF THE MAN (KESHE!) He takes the money but never delivers. The only thing Keshe cares for is money, and he grabs it any way he can, no matter how many crimes he commits or how many people he harms along the way. That is the truth. And to disguise his real materialistic intention, he made up this huge scam about world peace, healing, free energy and him being the Messiah. This scam is so huge that those brainwashees inside the KF cannot even understand it, that’s why they deny reality.

Quote from the video description:
“I’ve given up on following the Keshe stuff since even from our rigorous friends at QEG Sweden, no more information for the past 2 months. Combined with the fact that we haven’t received word of our 2000 EUR Magrav unit order (2 units) being shipped yet after 8 months+ of waiting, I’m considered the matter closed.”

Keshe even admitted about GANS: “Most of the people who get in touch with it get emotionally disturbed and it continues for years.” Is this how Keshe became so zerotic ?

And the latest scam has already started:

“Mr Keshe announces the formation of a Plasma Technology Rescue Team to send to disaster areas. KFSSI systems can help people decontaminate water, maintain health, and create food and energy. The recent and on-going flooding in China, has given an opportunity for experts from the Keshe Foundation to offer services to the Chinese people.”

It seems KFSSI systems can do EVERYTHING, it just hasn’t been shown so far! But you have to believe it to see it! Plasma technology rescue teams will now enter disaster zones (Can you imagine that ? We can’t.) in order to provide non-working devices to already suffering people. At least the plasma team members believe in miracles. Let’s see if the victims do as well. So the poor people of China, who have already been harmed by flooding, will now be made emotionally disturbed as well, while they are given false hope and empty promises. What a great accomplishment by the Keshe Foundation!

Keshe is briefly mentioned in this video, called “Be Careful Who You Follow”, around the 13 minute mark.

Here is Hopegirl’s latest update on the Keshe scam, where she also talks about the dangers of “GANS”, a poisonous substance that can cause internal bleeding, which is being promoted by Keshe as a “healing” substance. Again, we see Keshe’s inversion, claiming the opposite of what is true. Hopegirl has also written a hillarious article in which she makes fun of cults like the KF. At the end she also gives good advice to people who are trapped in a cult. There is also a video that goes along with the article. If you watch this you will see that this is exactly how the KF operates.

And here is how Keshe responds to the truth: with more slander and false accusations. Listen closely to his zerotic way of talking.

Remember how many times Keshe accused me, Hopegirl and others of trafficking children. As some might know, Keshe lived in Manchester until 2004. So let’s ask where Keshe was in 2004, doing his “Brown Circle” job for his politician friends at their private clubs. Check the web to find all the evidence of missing children.Especially around Manchester, child trafficking seems to be very popular.

Keshe always claimed to have high political VIP friends and friends in MI5 and MI6. Was Keshe their handler for sexual “goodies”, in return for extremely cheap goods, confiscated by British Customs? How many from this list of VIP’s were Keshe’s personal friends?

In case you haven’t listened to it yet, here is a recording of a leaked phonecall from late 2015 between the former KF manufacturer in China, Soheil, and the former head of KF China, Kearl Lee. Nevermind the terrible subtitles, just listen to the audio.

This call reveals the following:

1) Keshe Foundation energy products are a fraud and don’t work.

2) Despite of the fraud, they still want to make money.

3) Keshe never tested his products, and it is known that other people are doing it on their own.

4) Keshe only allows payment in advance for products that have yet to be developed, tested and manufactured. He constantly looks for manufacturers to do something fast so that he has something to send to people, even though he knows it will not work.

5) Keshe’s product disclaimer is an attempt to get rid of any accountability for sending defective products.

6) Governments do not care about Keshe at all, even though he says they are interested in the technology.

7) Keshe did not invent any of the products, but rather he just takes the ideas of others, and then promotes them to make money without even having developped or tested anything.

Once again, we see the REAL ethos of the Keshe Foundation: cheating, stealing, lying, deceiving, betraying and being greedy. And of course the same goes for the American arm of the KF, including Gordon Duff, Col. Hanke, Armen, Brett, and others, who are now trapped in Keshe’s satanic fraud foundation. They continue to manufacture non-working products to make money on the back of gullible customers. Once again we see “the greed of the man”.

Keshe never shows any evidence for anything. He makes all sorts of claims about his products, or about his self-proclaimed “enemies”, but he never shows any evidence, he only says “We will show you in the coming time”. We on the other hand have shown tons of evidence.


Do you know how to spot a fraudulent online store ?

1) Only payment in advance is possible
2) Refund policy is totally unclear
3) Little to no response when contacted
4) Outrageous pricing

And indeed, all 4 indications are true for the KF store. Because the KF never delivers (except for deception purposes), and they never refund. This way Keshe has become rich.

And here is another testimony of former KFSSI student Andrea Danese, which clearly shows that Keshe has zero to show:



“I left the Keshe foundation in February this year, after attending the “school” rundown/ghost in Barletta Italy for about six months.

.. to summarize the various events, test made at home (laboratories closed to those who attend!), meetings, deductions and finally certainties: -there is NOTHING TO SEE IN THE KF.-

I hope that those who have seen still can trade, fraud, abuse, lying, in research that many pure souls chose to take to illuminate this world, overshadowed by the logic of power, could soon see the end of their reign and the beginning of a time when man oversteps really himself. Where you recognize in one where you lay down your weapons and you bait the logic of power, money, rivalry and supremacy.


This crazy Keshe hype makes uneducated people believe that it is “cool” to do caustic experiments at home, when in reality these people put themselves at risk. People who experimented with caustic are now reporting breathing problems, skin problems, or even tooth damage. And as everybody can imagine, the fire method is neither healthier nor less dangerous.

Please report Keshe and the Keshe Foundation to your local police, to FBI, CIA, Interpol and other law enforcement agencies for willfully causing health damage and financial damage to unsuspecting individuals.

The KF has now censored the 121st satanic “knowledge” seekers workshop. Keshe probably told them “Can you remove this part please ? Humanity is not ready for this advanced knowledge.” But the original can still be found here. Watch around the 22 minute mark, but protect yourself psychologically and spiritually first.

People should be very concerned when a satanist claims to rescue people or to “elevate the soul of the man”. Where would he elevate it to ? Onto the throne of Lucifer ?

Some quotes on Facebook that show the REALITY:

“Veterans Today/Gordon Duff’s broad brushing all of Sterling’s Facebook contacts was just plain wrong. Duff has a lot of questionable credential claims himself.”

“I attended a Dutch zoom meeting last week. As always i addressed some of Ca$hes false accusations in relation to his his peace religion and asked what it has to do with his ‘new technolgy’. One of the ‘ladies’ immediately accused me of beïng a pedophile. The Ca$he brainwashing seems to be very effective for the sheeple.”

“They are trying so desperately to incriminate of pedophilia the critics of the Keshe Foundation, that they are gonna sink themselves into the same crap they are accusing us !! I won’t be surprised if some day we wake up with the news that the Keshe Foundation is under Police investigation for pedophilia !!!”

“Ca$he simply abuses the death of Fabio to create another conspiracy against his technology by the Jews. That is the stuff his sheeple love. They see it as proof for Ca$he’s technology since there is no other proof whatsoever.”

“According to scammers François Flibotte and Kevin Blundell, the Magrav will never work for me since I don’t believe it will work, my intention is not pure.”

“I think the Ca$he sheeple all have personal problems or traumas from bad experiences in their past. They are searching for something outside themselves which they have lost.”

“That’s how his marketing works: “Look the official forces are working against me, I must be onto something really authentic.” The actual truth is that the police and government want to bring down Keshe and trial Keshe as a criminal for medical fraud and so many more crimes he committed, but Keshe uses this as a marketing argument.”

“Last week i attended another interesting zoom meeting for the Germans. Ca$he and witch Caroline where invited to speak about the local teachings commencing in Germany. Ca$he was not really interested and started talking about the magrav production in Germany. There was one person present from the first factory in Germany, where Richard (UC) left. The man told Prof. Dr. Ir. Ca$he that his factory magravs don’t work and he would not start production based on that fact. Ca$he shouted in his usual aggressive way that they tested it wrong (i’ll spare you the details). Then Ca$he told the group that 20 factories where needed in Germany. Some new believers stood up and told Ca$he that their magravs work but they did not test anything because they had no technical knowledge. They wanted to start a factory. Then Ca$he revealed his business model. The factory is allowed a margin of 10% on the labor and material cost that add up to €10,- . The magravs can only be sold through the Ca$he website.
Although he does not invest in a factory he claims 51% ownership.”

“Even calling him a sorcerer gives him too much credit and an air of power. He is a charlatan that takes advantage of peoples good intentions.”

“Those who will investigate before following will find out the truth before falling for any Keshe mind control, those who believe and follow without questioning are like a herd of sheep. No need to be concerned for them… as they have chosen their path.”

In these rough times it is difficult not to lose your mind, especially when people run after satanic kukus like Keshe, rather than following a real, correct ethos. It is important to stay calm and to keep your faith. Let’s stay united during these hard times.

Keshe always asks: “How do we achieve peace ?”

Well, a first step would be for him to stop scamming, refunding all the scammed customers, apologizing to all the victims, and trying to make up for all the damage he caused.

It’s all up to Keshe. But like so many times, he said: “I have done my job, and I warned you: I stop teaching.”

What an empty warning. How many more times ???

For God’s sake Mehran, PLEASE DO STOP! AND FINALLY LEAVE HUMANITY IN PEACE! We are all tired of your insane ramblings, false accusations and empty promises. The UNITY of the good people will not be broken by your constant, evil attempts to “divide and rule”. Everybody knows by now that you talk nothing but BS only to fill your own pockets. THIS is the greed of the man Mehran Tavakoli Keshe.

To everyone around Keshe: Please guys, do not follow Keshe’s satanic path. Wake up!

Peace everyone!



Confirmed: Keshe is a Satanist

The 121st knowledge seekers workshop was once again one of the most bizarre workshops ever. Even we are surprised how Keshe is still able to intensify his delusional behaviour. As expected, no spectacular technology was released, and so once again nobody will be able to build a spaceship. All the non-working products and previous scams were combined into one. The mini reactors now have to be placed in the middle of the coils, and all the other nonsense needs to be added, but according to Keshe it will only work “if you understand”. If nobody was able to show a flight system until now, how are KF followers supposed to suddenly build a spaceship ? Remember, this “technology” was supposed to be “so simple that every man can do it.” But in reality it’s so complex and crazy that nobody will ever be able to do anything with it, other than waste their time. And again Keshe played God by saying “I had to come in person myself, as the messengers messed it up more and more.”

We will show now that Keshe is not God, but the opposite at best.

Keshe’s workshops turn more and more into dark, occult sessions, talking more and more about murder, abuse, mayhem, killing, punishment, witch hunts, mass funerals and death. The negativity and hatred in Keshe’s workshops is unbearable. He also said he will not allow any revolution or evolution (!) on this planet. This has nothing to do with science, freedom, unity or peace, this is just pure evil and we see what Keshe’s real goals are. Again Keshe threatened world leaders and religions and repeated his old trick: “No government can block this technology transfer today.” In reality, no government is even interested because the “technology” is no technology and therefore does not work. The fact that contaminated water from rivers is cleaner after the GANS treatment, and the fact that plants grow better, has nothing to do with any new “technology”. Zinc oxide (which is what GANS really is) is a disinfectant and has been used as such for a long time, long before there was any “GANS” and long before Keshe was even born.

And then Keshe finally admitted: “My purpose is NOT to take you into universal community as individuals…”, so nobody will ever fly using the KF “technology”. All hopes destroyed by one single statement.

Keshe also condemned tax frauds, even though he committed tax fraud himself, which has been reported to the Italian police by several people and confirmed by the police some time ago.

Keshe gave away his real intentions by even showing some occult, satanic symbols and saying: “From today there shall be no Jews” and two days before “There shall be no Christians”. He showed the satanic “Horned Hand”, and said “Those fingers are always delivered wherever I go”, which confirms that Keshe is a satanist, and therefore the OPPOSITE of a Messiah. ALL members of the Illuminati are Satanists. ALL members of the Illuminati are subjected to trauma-based mind-control. ALL members of the Illuminati have Multiple Personality Disorder, as we have seen with Keshe. Which leads us to the definite conclusion that Keshe is an Illuminati himself – OR he is again trying to gain attention in every way he can, even if that leads him down a very negative and dark path.



Keshe showing the “Horned Hand”




As explained here, one of the signs Keshe showed in the 121st knowledge seekers workshop proves that he pledges allegiance to Satan. According to Illuminati researcher Fritz Springmeier, the “Horned Hand” is a hypnotic induction which triggers certain programming in Monarch mind-controlled slaves. Project Monarch is also closely tied to Project MKULTRA. We leave it to you to determine whether Keshe is a victim of such a mind control program, or a controller, or both.

Keshe also said “There shall be no prophet Moses”, even though according to himself, Keshe himself is of the Moses bloodline. This shows once again his personality split and his self-hatred, which he projects onto everyone else, by accusing people of abuse, murder, and other crimes. Keshe wants to abolish all religions, and the reason for all that is described here.

Keshe’s famous phrase “We are here to free man from the shackles of his own physicality”means in clear terms: “We are here to KILL YOU”. Wake up people, Keshe is NOT here to serve, Keshe is here to enslave and destroy!

The Illuminati fear that women will take control of the planet, as it will become impossible for their satanic energies to keep control. Women are caretakers. That’s why Keshe said he doesn’t want to see a woman as a president, because then his time of harassing women will be over. His hypocritical comments about the “messengers of the past” and how they fell for the “bodies of the women on this planet” are true for himself. But more on that later, when more female witnesses and victims come forward.

Another statement was: “You people will go and take all stones of Vatican, and build back the Colosseum”, which ties in with the above and confirms that Keshe’s plan is not to bring peace, but to re-establish the Roman empire, under the rulership of the antichrist, also known as the New World Order.

And this also ties in with a recent article by Veterans Today, that shows undeniable parallels between the obvious NWO plans in America and around the world, and Keshe’s way of deceiving people for the same reason. Read the following excerpt carefully and see how Keshe acts exactly like the “Khazarian Mafia”. So we must ask ourselves the following question: is Keshe connected to these “evil parasite Alien ETs” ?

“Believe it or not, there is good reason to believe that there is a first cause, a Creator of the Universe and all matter. And fortunately, it turns out God Almighty has set up “Rules of Play” which the evil parasite Alien ETs and their KM Kingpins and their Cutouts must obey.

In order for the KM’s Kingpins and Cutouts to be able to advance their evil Globalist NWO Agenda, the consent of the American masses must be gained. [likewise, the consent of KF followers must be gained]

To do this deception, big lies, false-narratives, propaganda must be dispensed by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), and basic mind-kontrol must be used on the masses.[likewise, mind-control must be used on the KF followers]

The Khazarian Mafia’s deep desire is to destroy America the Republic forever and to Balkanize it, followed by folding its remains into their Globalist NWO One World System — their age-old Agenda and dream for mankind. The KM Kingpins know that, in order to attain their Globalist NWO Agenda, they must dis-empower American males of all ages and make it impossible for them to ever defend America from the “Enemy Within” and from any KM-owned foreign invader.

The KM has taken measures to make sure the American Police never turn against them. They have created DHS and consolidated all American Alphabets and Law Enforcement, and mind-kontrolled them to fear the public, which has been dirtied up and criminalized by all the KM’s CIA drugs trafficked into the large American Urban centers.

When the KM proceeds to start an expected civil war or civil rebellion as a pretext to declare Martial law to finally gain complete control over America, those Police that don’t die in combat with American gun owners will be assisted by NATO, UN and foreign mercenaries, and back-shot to eliminate them too, because they are Americans. The KM wants to eradicate all able-bodied American men who have the potential to fight them at some point.

If too many Americans learn the truth and wake up, this KM mind-kontrol spell will be broken, and the masses will rise up at every level and rebel against the KM, its Kingpins, Cutouts and top Policy-makers. [if too many KF followers wake up, they will rise up and rebel against Keshe]

The worldwide Internet is the wildcard here, and it has attained such a high level of penetration in providing truth nuggets even among so many KM disinformation websites, that it is too late to stop its exposures. Even if the KM decides to completely take down the Internet or make it restricted with a two-tiered or completely censored system, there will be extensive blow-back that will bring those responsible into view as public enemies that must be taken down one-way or another, no matter what.

As the American Sleeping Giant, We The People, awakes more and more each day, thanks to the Internet, watch the Khazarian Mafia’s unimaginably evil system be exposed; and watch these inhuman, demon-infested monstrous criminals be taken down from their elite status to become hunted war criminals and recognized enemies of all mankind and the whole world.”

Yes, thankfully people are slowly waking up, and so are *some* former KF followers. Let’s hope there will be more and more.

Sadly, a young life was lost a few days ago. Keshe’s 23 year old camera man Fabio died in a violent car accident, apparently not far from Keshe’s house. His 21 year old girlfriend Naomi is in coma at the hospital. As expected, Keshe abused this very sad situation by announcing that he will “see what he can do” to help the girl out of her coma.

So Keshe now needs to prove his coma solution to his followers and core members. Once again he will repeat the terrible, inhumane scam he tried years ago, which is described here. In doing so he is assisted by other KF followers who are NO medical doctors. Why does nobody in the KF scream out loud ? Why do they accept such crimes against humanity ?

This “coma solution” will now be used to abuse yet another innocent victim. This “coma solution” comes from a man who says things like “You walked into the slaughterhouse of the soul, not me. I just guided you.” But indeed, it’s Keshe’s followers who ALLOW themselves to be guided into the slaughterhouse. They give their consent by keeping quiet and accepting all the outrageous statements of their false Messiah.

Keshe said last week: “Fabio’s death was pure accident.” This week he said: “Fabio’s death was no accident.” And then, once again he was trying to blame random people without naming them, so why did he do that ? The fact that Fabio died near Keshe’s house, not near anyone else’s, is very suspicious, and Keshe’s crocodile tears might have been credible to some, but not to us. We know what Keshe is capable of. And remember Keshe’s statement: “At my wish I can end your lives.”

So we ask ourselves: did Keshe wish for this to happen ? And why did it happen one day before Keshe’s alleged “disclosure” (which happened now, only one week later, and was nothing but hot air, as usual) When Keshe said during Fabio’s memorial“Maybe humanity isn’t ready”, it was clear that he felt absolutely no shame to exploit Fabio’s death for his evil agenda. A funeral of a loved one should be respected, not abused for the egotistical world domination fantasies of a satanist and wannabe antichrist.

Not much later, another accident happened near Bari “out of the blue”. Two trains collided, and meanwhile there are more than 20 reported casualties. According to news sources, this was the biggest train accident in Italy since 2009. Authorities described the situation as “bizarre” and said it looked as if a plane had crashed.

Given Keshe’s satanic behaviour in today’s workshop, and seeing how suddenly so many people die around Bari, what are we supposed to think ? Is there a negative plasma bubble around Bari, due to Keshe’s black hole soul ? Did Keshe “practice” his satanism on poor Fabio ? And is Keshe now confident enough to show his black magic symbolism publicly ?

Indeed Keshe said in the 121st knowledge seekers workshop: “I show you the magic how to believe and what to believe.” and as usual “You have no choice.”

So the Keshe Foundation has now become a satanic cult, whose members believe they can save the world by following Keshe’s Luciferian instructions.

Keshe: Connecting real dots in the wrong way

Here is some more on the 120th KSW, in which Keshe once again told many crazy lies. I will now debunk these lies and tell the real stories behind them.

1) One was that Keshe went to Iran in a secret way, organized by the Iranian embassy! This was supposedly kept secret for me. Wow, what a lie. In reality I conducted him to Paris, at my expenses, with the jeep of my brother. And when he came back from Tehran, it was me again who picked him up in Paris. Keshe is such a liar. He gives some correct dots but then he links these dots in a completely fantasized manner, to turn it into a giant fantasy story.

2) Indeed there was a video compression technology developed by a Dutchman, Mr.Jan Sloot. = a real dot. Jan Sloot died suddenly the day before he was going to give the final demonstration to financier Tom Perkins. Now Keshe claimed that I murdered Jan Sloot. A historical book was written about the Jan Sloot case. I am sure my name is not mentioned in it. Keshe is a lunatic. He is completely kuku.

3) A proven fallacy of Keshe: Remember that Keshe accused me in the 103rd KSW (1h:17) of having abused a child when I got my brain stroke. He pretended not to know how my stroke happened and said: “Sir, I wonder if you had the stroke while you were raping a child, Red Circle!” So dirty. But now let’s look at how Keshe exposed his own lie by coming up with a contradiction, a different version of this false story. In the recent 120th KSW he admitted that we were together in a hamburger restaurant at the moment of my brain stroke. M.T. Keshe: “Dirk said: I am hungry, I want to eat hamburger.” But, strangely enough (!) I bought (only) one hamburger to which I allegedly added poison, then I ate that hamburger myself. So he claimed I poisoned myself. So crazy. Now you see for yourself how Keshe creates a big hype with lots of hot air. This proves Keshe created a fallacy. He exposed himself with his own talk on video. 103rd KSW vs 120th KSW: two versions of the same lie. Check for yourself! In reality, I had the stroke because Keshe put too much pressure on me to write his books faster. I am a true Keshe victim.



4) Then we have the major accusation of Keshe, in which he persistantly tries to connect me to pedophiles. Indeed in a Facebook post I confirmed that I “pissed” in his garden. But I added that I did so – during a break while working on a patent – when I smoked a cigarette outside, standing near a wall with a hedge, making sure that nobody was near. So this is not a crime. However, that gave Keshe the opportunity to create a major fallacy: That I “pissed” in the garden in front of Rubeen, his 2 year old son, even showing my private parts, and asking Rubeen “if he wants to play”. That is a completely crazy story. Just think logically. What parent would accept such “event”, without throwing such a pervert out of his house? What parent would accept such “event” without putting an official complaint to the police? But Keshe kept working with me, he didn’t go to the police! Why not? Because Keshe just made up this crazy story to link me to Sterling Allan. So that is Keshe’s major “evidence” to link me to a pedophile network, and even to Dutroux (according to Caroline’s false accusation). So this is no evidence, it’s character assassination. Keshe tries to connect me to pedophile networks, which for sure exist, but I have nothing to do with them. And based on such fake claims and accusations Keshe tries to impress and convince his claimed friends in FBI and CIA of his monstrous “truth”, which in fact is just a giant web of lies.



Keshe’s stories don’t hold, they are intentionally fabricated fantasies for him to be able to continue his scam, while further harming his former supporters, as we have seen so many times in the past.

If only Keshe’s strategies of creating external enemies weren’t so terribly familiar…


keshefacts.org turns 50 !

Yes, keshefacts.org turned 50 ! No, not 50 years. 50 posts!:-)

So we give our readers a gift: you can download the offline version of this website as an e-book here. This file is also suitable as a vast package of evidence of Keshe’s crimes, to be used by law enforcement agencies. And if Keshe’s slaves hack our website, the evidence is still available:-)

Please spread it far and wide, and SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE FREELY with everyone who might easily get attracted to cults. This is a wake-up call for the gullible and for those who can easily be manipulated and exploited. Let them know about the crooked methods of Keshe and other scammers, so they stay away and don’t get harmed.

Much love from all of us at keshefacts.org



Last night I received a private message on Facebook. I don’t disclose the other person. This person told me that he gave in a KF group criticism on the Magravs, minutes after that he received links to pedophilia images. Thus some KF followers or KF core members have access to pedophilia images or links to such criminal websites.This way they try to intimidate nay sayers, and to lure them into a “click-bait” trap, in order to accuse them of pedophilia. This incident was reported to Facebook.


The Keshe soul catcher

The 120th Knowledge Seekers Workshop was published after 2 days of evaluation. Obviously they were not sure if they can publish all this slander, but then decided to do so. It takes incredible ruthlessness and arrogance to be that bold. How is that possible ? The answer can only be that Keshe is protected by very dark forces, because nobody else would get away with malicious, false accusations like that. They even published the slander part separately, which under normal circumstances would not only have been removed by Youtube, but would also lead to investigations against Keshe. So who protects him ?

Why do “scientific teachings” have to contain hate speech, especially on such a massive scale ? And which effect does this hate speech have on the psyche of the listeners ? Keshe knows very well what he is doing, and how to manipulate people’s thinking, as he is a Luciferian master manipulator. Meanwhile there are numerous KF followers who listen to these slander sessions and then “like” them on Facebook and Youtube. So this shows where the pedophiles sit, when they “like” stories of children being raped and killed.

We wonder how many times Keshe will repeat his BS, pretending to “expose” the “red circle” that doesn’t even exist. As everyone can see, we explained already that everything Keshe said is a lie. So how many more times will he say we want to stop his “technology”, when our site clearly states the opposite ? Can’t Keshe read ? Does he assume his followers can’t read either ? By repeatedly calling us murderers or pedophiles, Keshe repeatedly commits a criminal act. It’s psycho-terror! Keshe is a real terrorist. The essence of terrorism is about attacks on innocents, that’s what Keshe and Duff do.

Keshe has not only slandered me, he also slandered John, Marek, Eliya, Gianfranco Liuzzi, Jorge, Soheil, Erick Claussen, police officer Delannoye, King Albert II of Belgium, Hopegirl, Sousan, Paul from Togo, all Germans (“The Third Reich people”), and many more. All these are true victims of the Keshe Foundation. Some of them responded in open letters. Not to mention the people who wasted years of their life and/or a lot of money on this nonsense, all of them being Keshe Victims, some of them believing that Keshe could help them with their health problems. But it’s worst for those who are still part of the KF, because their souls are lost. So the Keshe Foundation has no victims ? How can Keshe speak such a lie, when the opposite has been proven many times and is clearly documented on our website ?

Basically EVERYONE who worked for Keshe or met him, was slandered or abused at some point. Except those few Keshe really depends on, like Rick or Vince. Rick is one of the people who will accept almost anything that Keshe does. Keshe could slap Rick in the face, 10 times, 50 times, 100 times, and Rick would still say “Thank you Mr. Keshe”. But this way, Rick also becomes complicit in Keshe’s crimes, especially since he allows Keshe to slander, without doing anything about it. The same goes for Armen, who meanwhile uses the same phrases and empty talk as Keshe. When I met Armen, he was a different person, but now he is a fully brainwashed slave whose ego has become almost as big as Keshe’s.

Armen Guloyan on the Mike Harris show: “You know what our problem is ? We know it all. We understand it all.” So Armen now shares Keshe’s arrogance, while allowing Keshe to continue with all his evil. A good person would stand in the way of evil, not let it rampage freely. A good person would be humble, not arrogant.

Keshe uses his Luciferian FALSE LIGHT to lure people into the Keshe Foundation by promising world peace, but now all his followers are stuck in a sea of lies, false claims, slander and illusion, and they really believe the nonsense they keep repeating. Keshe is like a fly catcher, except that he steals people’s souls.



Also interesting: when he spoke about his past, Keshe mentioned his “handler”. Now what kind of people have “handlers” ? So Keshe admitted himself that he is controlled by someone else.

Comments on Facebook:

“Keshe’s latest Workshop is so full of filthy crap that Rick Crammond withdrew it immediately after it ended… Crammond must be so embarrassed for all the s.h.i.t. spread all over the 120th Workshop that he doesn’t even know what to cut and what to keep.”

“That is terrible. Why on Earth did Mehran go so astray down the dark way towards soul death? He could do so much good if he would strenghten his politeness and humbleness with the real truth seeking instead of cheating… So sad.”

“Keshe is like the King of sodom and gomorrah… and we all remember what happened to that crew right?”

“How in the world does Keshe even have a following except the ones drawing the KF paycheck, bad enuff sitting thru a 3 hour knowledge seeker ws and bad sound quality and numerous technical problems, but now that we can prove beyond doubt the technology is false that it can be lethal to your health and his continuance to pursue on is criminal intent to cause mass deaths. These people and promoters are terrorists. New terrorist watch list: KE$HE brown rings”

The truth is that Keshe still abuses me, because when I don’t accept his slander, he says “They are opposing us”, and he uses that as an excuse why his technology has never been shown. Excuses excuses excuses.

So after many months of ongoing slander by Keshe, let’s ask a few simple questions:

Where is my Congo birth certificate ?
Where is my email correspondence with Sterling Allan ?
Where is the “power generator” that can power the whole world ?
Where is the flying reactor or the flying car ?

Answer: Nowhere, because none of these things exists, and never will. That’s why Keshe has to create all this drama, otherwise people would get bored too quickly.

In every workshop we hear the same empty phrases:

“Today we finish with the Red Circle”, which is not possible, because there is no “Red Cirlce”.
“Now we start teaching”. In reality, it started years ago, however there is no teaching, just 50% slander and 50% pseudo-scientific BS.
“From today we go in a completely different direction”, when in reality we hear that same crap literally every week.

And then there was this attempt by Caroline to tell people not to go for Kosol Ouch’s “Q6”, because it’s apparently dangerous. Right, as if the Magrav wasn’t. It’s one group of scammers bashing another, under the disguise of “We are very concerned for peoples lives.” We have seen how concerned Keshe and Caroline are for people’s lives, when they repeatedly brought people up against me and everyone else who saw through their games. It seems they are jealous of Kosol’s “success”. When in fact, none of these devices work. But Kosol is still the better performance artist. The Keshe Foundation is like the satanic version of a kindergarten, all on the mental level of a 3 year old. Look what Caroline posted. You see the hypocritical comments in red.

Carolina, Frazz Frazzle and I do R&D together with multiple projects and health pen and pad workshops. We built a couple Q6 from the Kosol & Peppi instructions Several months ago. Three weeks ago I began to smell electrical burning. I unplugged immediately, thank goodness I was home. I have children and animals. Frazz got to thinking about why as the load on it was minimal. One light bulb. They are drying out and will burn, catch fire. There is no sugar used just ash gans, and sprayed with coconut oil, frankense. Others use a variety of oils. I’m reaching out to you to please get the word out hopefully in a way to not appear trying to hurt Kosol and Peppi’s projects but this is seriously urgent. Kosol and Frazz had a disagreement so we have been unfriended. We are very concerned for peoples lives. We do not want to start any problems just want people to be cautious. So many are just building or buying direct from them and plugging units in without understanding the process. We personally prefer and have the Keshe Magrav and thank you for all the continued knowledge shared. Please help notify people. Much respect, love and light to you and yours. Namaste.”

And here is Kosol’s reply:

“Hi everyone here is new attack and propaganda from the keshe group and his wife to our q group. Please share . They are really twisted”

So again we see how Keshe and Caroline ATTACK people, sometimes subtle, sometimes aggressively. This is their idea of “world peace”.

There was also another radio show by Veterans Today, supposedly the Mike Harris show, but this time without Mike Harris, in which Sandor Kakasi and Gordon Duff tried to smear me again. After listening to this show, I can clearly see what you guys are trying to say, and I understand the connections and have no doubt that your research is excellent, however, in trying again to connect me to all those criminals, you commit a criminal act yourself: it’s called slander. Your research went that far, but you weren’t able to figure out that I have nothing to do with those groups you mentioned ? So in case of doubt, you go for character assassination and slander, even when there is no proof ? And then, when there were technical problems, OF COURSE they were blamed on Keshe’s “opposition” as well. There’s no day without Keshe blaming his scapegoats.

Sandor mentioned me as an inventor, as if that was a crime. Yes, I am an inventor and patent writer. But no, I was never tied to any freemasons or pedophiles or any other criminals. Sandor is desperately trying to give his Messiah credibility, by persistanly wanting to connect my name to pedophile groups. Now I know whom I have to thank for all the false accusations. But keep in mind: those who help Keshe the most, will be hurt by him the most. But Sandor won’t believe it until it happens. As a scientologist, he is already used to being a devoted cult follower. All the KF followers who accept or even support Keshe’s threats and slander against innocents are complicit of Keshe’s crimes. And so the authorities will take care of that. We leave it to them.

Again: the truth will win. And the truth is that I have done nothing wrong, but Keshe has, and he keeps doing wrong, and his technology is based on pseudo-science. But because he keeps promoting the importance of that useless technology, people like Duff or now even Armen think that I want to suppress it. I hope you guys will wake up from your slumber.

One question to Duff: why do you do such excellent research, in order to support Keshe, but you don’t object to Keshe’s severe, malicious slander against me, but instead you even support it by keeping silent about it ? Is that what you and VT stand for ? We are not doubting your research, but by connecting me to all that criminal mess it shows that you use assumptions to justify your support for Keshe, who was shown NO PROOF whatsoever that any of his “miracles” work. So all you write, say and do is based on assumptions.

But as we all know…


Deep inside Keshe KNOWS that I am innocent, and he KNOWS that he is doing wrong by accusing me, as everyone will notice during his talks, when he gets all worked up and starts moving his neck and shoulders like crazy, like everytime he is lying.

One last word: someone on Facebook said I am driven by hate. Where did this nonsense come from ?

If I (or we as a group of Keshe Victims) were driven by hate, we would do what Keshe accuses us of: hack KF websites, steal, threaten, rape, kill, and other things. But we don’t, because we are peaceful. We already live the peace that Keshe promises. But he is not able to keep his promise, because he himself is not peaceful.

We wrote already: we love everyone. We run this site to wake up everyone who has been scammed and brainwashed by Keshe.

In that process it is sometimes necessary to stand firm and to put things the right way. We still don’t hate Keshe, however, we disagree with him on many things. Let me ask you: how would YOU feel if Keshe attacked you and called you an agent, a murderer, and a pedophile ? I think we handled things quite reasonably so far. Some sarcasm and some frank language must be allowed though, after all Keshe put us through.

I was the first supporter of Keshe. He called me his real brother. We met almost day to day in 2005. I was the one who created with him the Keshe Foundation. But then I saw how he misused his own friends and followers. He sold non-existing generators for 5000 Euro. How humble! He promoted placebo health reactors and sold them for 10000 Euro to cancer patients. How humble! He promised in 2009 to demonstrate flying reactors, he offered flights to the moon for 25000 Euros. How humble! So I stopped supporting him. In 2015 he started attacking me, saying that I was a murderer, a thief, a pedophile. How humble! Such a sincere person. And when I react to that, you call me a hater ? Keshe uses in every workshop hate speech against me, whereas I only give facts.

We would also like to make one thing clear: while we don’t censor messages posted by others on Facebook, we do NOT in any way encourage or accept any kind of violence. Those who write they want to end Keshe’s or anyone else’s life: stop that thought right there. If we leave your messages untouched, it means they are there for you to reflect on what you wrote, and to figure out if what you wrote is correct or not. It does NOT mean we approve.

Again: we do not want to see anyone harmed. NOT ONE.

It’s always Keshe’s comments and actions that lead to damage, not ours.

That is the reason why we continue to oppose Keshe’s lies. It’s about getting things right. Not waging war, but also not turning away in a careless way. We fight the good fight, and we do it without violence, but by applying pressure where necessary.

So no, I am not driven by hate.

The one who is really driven by hate and fear is Keshe. He hates himself, and he hates every living being. And because he hates himself, he created his super ego, to compensate for his lack of confidence. So Keshe 1 has certain talents, but Keshe 2 misuses them to boost his ego by tricking everyone else. The dilemma of a schizoprenic.

But Keshe can attack, slander and hate all he wants, his karma goes back to HIM only. Therefore, he is responsible for his own future.


Keshe’s Inversion technique – a deception tool to create his world caliphate

“There are those who pretend to serve, but in fact they are there to take.” – M.T. Keshe talking about himself again, 20th international knowledge seekers workshop, June 21st 2016

“We deliver peace according to our ethos, not to yours.” – M.T. Keshe, promoting injustice.

Apparently, that ethos of Keshe consists mainly of committing one crime after another and then blaming it on other people and slandering them with no end in sight.

In the 120th knowledge seekers workshop, Keshe launched his worst attack against me so far, using fragments of information Sandor found on the web, in connection with bizarre descriptions of someone abusing and killing a child, which of course has nothing to do with me. This is how the Keshe Foundation works: hiding Keshe’s own crimes, but supporting the slander of innocents, by making artifical connections where there are none. These were over two hours of the worst fabricated lies ever. This is how Keshe thanks me for supporting him for several years, while telling a completely false story about how the KF started, and pointing out how grandiose and perfect he is. He also spoke again about how the KF is able to produce graphene and graphite, but that’s another fallacy. There is NO graphene and NO graphite in the layers that are produced by KF followers. This has already been examined by a lab in California. Go to a lab yourself and have it checked, you will see it’s not graphene.

We have to wonder how Keshe can even still look into someone’s eyes, after living such a life of falsehood. But if you read our previous post, you will understand where he is coming from.

Mehran, did you get aroused while Sandor was reading this disgusting text to the public ? I’m sure you did. It’s incredible how much verbal diarrhea you can produce. Two and a half hours of the most extreme slander, talking about “evidence” but only using letters but no names, talking such confusing rubbish that nobody could really follow, and constantly saying “Don’t show any names or documents”. You really are insane, and it shows more and more in each workshop. Ending a workshop with the words “It’s not theory, it’s a fact. Pissing in front of a two year old child is a crime. Thank you very much for today. We bring hope and prosperity to humanity, BUT…” or  “I wish your mother would never have given birth to you. Thank you very much for today. Go on the KF website and help humanity” shows your degree of insanity.

If you really publish any “documents” on any website with my name on them and then add your own fabricated nonsense, it is a criminal act. You can play all games you want, enough people and agencies know that YOU are the criminal, not me. Your criminal record will be proven, after all it was YOU who was standing next to Sterling Allan, and it was not me but YOU who was in touch with him for months, while you were hoping that he would support your fraud. For that he was good enough for you. Now you even torture your own audience with your satanic fantasies, you don’t even spare your own followers, they have to listen to the perverted and violent fantasies that reflect your criminal mind. And Sandor obviously loves reading them. Are you scared of Sterling telling the police the truth about you ? Is that why you are going more and more insane ? We just watch you fall apart, while you pull yourself and your supporters more and more into your insane dream world where you are the perfect Messiah, whereas people who don’t agree with you are murderers and pedophiles. In doing so, you drive yourself and your supporters into even bigger problems.

Also funny: after having accused Paul from Togo of working with the “Red Circle” in the 119th knowledge seekers workshop, Keshe was once again spinning things around and said “The Red Circle” turned Paul into a victim. Such nonsense. We onlyreported that Keshe accused Paul of working for the “Red Circle”, and so he says WE turned Paul into a victim. In reality Keshe himself attacked Paul heavily in the 119th workshop, but obviously, since Paul is very loyal, Keshe had to win him back, so Paul could give him some credibility before he started his latest slander session.

When Paul started to speak, someone in the live chat asked: “Last week, somebody also named Paul was outed as working for the red circle, so is he somebody else ?”  Then another brainwashed KF follower immediately answered: “Red Circle used his name to smear him, he is reinstated now by KF.”

Whether the person who asked the question was happy with the answer we don’t know, but it shows how Keshe manipulates his followers all the time, to cover himself. If only ONE person, for example Rick, finds out that ALL of Keshe’s claims are actually false, then life would get very difficult for Keshe. Of course there is not just Rick, but many people who spend a lot of time or money on this KF nonsense. Now what will happen once all of them wake up ? The more Keshe lies and the longer he continues his scam, the worse it will be for him. So by now he must already be very desperate.

Keshe just cannot admit to having made a mistake, so he had to blame who again ? Me of course. And of course he also cannot admit that he is responsible for my stroke, by having put a lot of pressure on me. So the inverted the story and said I put pressure on him, and I had my stroke because I poised myself. Yeah right. Such insane claims!

So you see how Keshe’s Inversion technique works, which we will now describe in detail, as it has become apparent that Keshe, in order to distract his followers’ attention away from his Luciferian agenda and from his own crimes and failures, has been using inversion and mirroring to accuse innocent people of what he himself has done.


1) When Keshe says “These are the enemies of humanity”, it really means Keshe is the enemy of humanity. (Even though Keshe sees others as HIS enemies, due to his paranoia.)

2) When Keshe says “Those who oppose us”, it really means “Those who Keshe opposes and slanders”.

3) When Keshe says “They want to create mayhem”, it really means that Keshe wants to create mayhem, or has already done so.

4) When Keshe says “The technology works”, it really means the technology doesn’t work, or rather there is no new technology.

5) When Keshe says “Our teachings are as solid as ever”, it really means his teachings have never been solid and are leading nowhere.

6) When Keshe says “These are criminals”, it really means Keshe is a criminal.

7) When Keshe says “He poisoned himself”, it really means Keshe poisoned himself.

So as we have seen many times,

1) Keshe claims the opposite of true facts (denial, inversion, outright lying)

2) Keshe accuses others of his own deeds (inversion, mirroring, blame-shifting)

3) Keshe takes credit for positive things that others have achieved (theft)

4) Keshe refers to events that

a) never took place
b) were interpreted in a biased way
c) took place because of fundamental errors (for example the often quoted “129”, which was only displayed due to a defective measuring device, as confirmed by the manufacturers of that device themselves! Keep in mind that the Earth’s magnetic field reaches a maximum of 65 MICRO Tesla! So if those 129 Tesla had really been reached, the lab in Desenzano, along with the whole planet would have blown up immediately.)


So this means that whatever Keshe says, you have to invert it back to get the truth. So no, of course I don’t hypnotize children or rape them. In fact, I am working on a new project for the BENEFIT of humanity, involving telepathy, so that such false accusations, the way Keshe is making them, are no longer possible, once humanity is able to communicate telepathically. Then we will be able to REALLY see each others intentions, unlike Keshe, who only CLAIMS to be able to see people’s souls. Keshe should look at his own soul first, but he can’t, because it would shock him: there is only a big black hole instead.

Furthermore, being a paranoid narcissist, Keshe will always attack first, because he can then expect a reaction, so then he can say “I was right, these people are my enemies”. And so his delusions about being a heavily opposed “scientist” become a self-fulfilling prophecy. His accusations against others “who try to discredit the foundation” are ridiculous as well, because first of all you cannot discredit a criminal, and secondly Keshe did a fine job discrediting himself with his own statements.

He claims that people oppose the “technology”, but to this date, there HAS NOT BEEN ANY WORKING TECHNOLOGY. So it is not even necessary or even possible to oppose it, because there simply IS nothing that can be opposed. The ones who post on Facebook that “it works” and that they have seen power reduction are either paid Keshe trolls, or people who have no idea about electronics and the way power factor correction works.

So all of Keshe’s stories regarding assassination attempts, bombing, getting shot or being threatened are pure fantasy as well. He only considers himself so important that he constantly sees himself as a victim, when in reality more and more people around him become victims of HIS abuse.

Instead of getting help for his mental condition, Keshe infects the public with his weird fantasies about poisoning, earthquakes, and space travel. He says things like “I paid with my life”, as if he was already dead, but none of his followers doubt him, which shows their own delusional state. They have been well prepared by disinfo websites such as Project Camelot, so such contradicting NWO talk is easy for them to handle. Whether it makes sense or not is of no concern to them.

All those accusations against random people or against Keshe’s former supporters are false. But he uses his inversion technique so when his victims point out that not them, but Keshe is the criminal, they sound less credible. This is a very well-known psychological trick, a natural skill of narcissists, but also a technique used by Luciferians, to manipulate others into believing them. Also this constant pseudo-religious talk that is supposed to give the impression that Keshe has a special connection to God, or even is God himself, is just ridiculous and pathetic. He talks about the “failures of the man”, but doesn’t accept his own failures and crimes. When caught, he will blame everything on others, who then become “enemies of humanity” in his own mind.

But it quickly becomes very clear who the real enemies of humanity are, when you research Keshe and his supporters a bit more. Keshe openly said many times: “There is no God.” (even though he says he is a prophet of God (!) but that God doesn’t exist ??)

And even Kevin Barrett, supposedly one of the “good guys” at Veterans Today, recently pointed out that Keshe’s supporter Gordon Duff has a problem with God. So now it makes sense that Duff supports Keshe. Here we see Gordon Duff testing a not so small weapon. Why does Keshe, who allegedly is against weapons, seek the support of someone who likes weapons ? Contradictions non-stop.

Quotes from the VT article:

“So it isn’t surprising that Gordon Duff, like so many people these days, has a problem with God. He doesn’t even realize that he is waging jihad fi sabil illah, “struggle on the path of God.””

“While denying God, Gordon is fully aware of the existence of Satan.”

Really ? Is he ? Why does he then support Keshe, who acts TOTALLY like a satanist, contradicting himself at every turn and saying one thing while doing another ?

“Gordon, bless him, has chosen to oppose and expose these parasitical demonic entities and their human hosts. That definitely puts him on the right side of the cosmic jihad.”

Really ? Gordon does not oppose parasitical demonic entities like Keshe, on the contrary, he supports them! That puts him on the WRONG side “of the cosmic jihad.”

When Keshe says things like “We don’t harm noone”, but then makes his wife stalk my daughter with rude claims, threats and false accusations, is that not demonic ? But the devil is in the detail: “We don’t harm noone” is a double negation, it means “We harm everyone”. Wake up guys! The same way Keshe pretends to oppose the Illuminati, but if you read on, you will see that Keshe is one of them. Inversion again!

“But still he (Gordon) rejects and denies God.”

So apparently he has no inner “moral compass”, that’s why he doesn’t recognize Keshe’s demonic nature, and therefore he supports him.

As a reminder, here are the goals of the Illuminati/NWO satanists. They sound EXACTLY like Keshe’s agenda:

– To establish a One World Government. (“One Planet, One Nation, One Race”)
– To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride. (“There are no borders. We finish with borders.”)
– To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati. (Keshe is pushing the KF “technology”, but discrediting everyone else’s research)
– To bring about the end to all industrialization.
– To introduce new cults (such as the KF) and continue to boost those already functioning. (such as Project Camelot / Ufology)
– To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos. (“Do we need world leaders ?”)
– To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus. (Keshe’s army of brainwashed followers, who see everyone else as an enemy)

The core team and the universal council are used for mass indoctrination. They were never meant to make the world a better place, on the contrary. They were set up to make the above goals become reality.

How much more info do people need to see which entity Keshe is really worshipping and working for ? Humans are the children of God. In the prophecies it is said that the Antichrist will deny God and set up a FALSE world peace. Keshe and Duff both deny God as well. So who is the real enemy of humanity ?



Example of Inversion of symbols. You may decide which side Keshe is on.

Keshe also always uses his “technology” to justify his attacks on others. When people start doubting Keshe because of his constant slander, he will change the direction of his speech and say “It’s for you to develop the technology”, which has NOTHING to do with his attacks on innocents. It’s just yet another trick to keep the carrot dangling in front of the donkey. The whole “free energy” of Keshe has been a hoax from the start. Read here why. And also see this article and whose name shows up on the scammers list.

Despite of all the hard facts, Keshe keeps selling his ridiculous “magrav units” (aka rusty coils, now called “power generators” while the function stays the same: they don’t work.) and keeps making bigger and even more unrealistic promises for “the coming time”. Just like the magrav unit, which was advertised as “free energy”, does not create any free energy, one of the KF promo videos says “plasma technology is efficient”, even though no single demonstration has ever been shown.

Now the next hoax has already started: Keshe says all the old magrav units convert themselves into generators (“in the coming time”). How convenient, so Keshe doesn’t have to come up with the promised power generator himself, because the old units convert themselves. Ridiculous! It’s all just BS as usual, nothing will ever come of it. See the following testimony.



And only 2 weeks ago, Keshe said once again: “The Keshe Foundation doesn’t take any donations, we are financially solid.” But again we see the usual contradictions:


Remember, the devil never tells you the truth. He constantly speaks lies, but makes them sound like the truth. And gullible people will always look at the carrot (“free energy”, “space travel”), not at the puppet master (Keshe) who is served by the fooled donkey (KF followers).

It’s like asking “I disconnected the magrav system and my electricity bill dropped 25%, does that mean my house no longer needs the unit because it’s conditioned now and the wires are nano-coated ?” When in fact the bill dropped of course because the unit used that much, and without it you actually pay LESS. But Keshe’s thought reform (typical for cults) made you unable to think logically, you now live in the world of total BS. Hereyou can find a good video explanation why people think that the KF technology works, when in fact it doesn’t.


And here you can see how other companies have built similar devices long ago. For example this one is from Asia, and is yet another power factor corrector, similar to the KF magrav, but built in a much more professional way. Yet it’s only using a trick, it does NOT save or produce any electricity! These are nothing more than old scam tactics.

The same goes for this nonsense “Red Circle” talk. In the 118th and 119th workshop Keshe was already so confused by his own BS talk that he suddenly mentioned a “blue circle”, so maybe someone should give him a gift: the Olympic Rings. Then he has all the multicoloured circles to choose from. That should make him happy.?


Rare group photo of all of Keshe’s enemies in one place:
Blue, Black, Red, Yellow, and Green Circle

The only one missing is his own Brown Circle
As usual, it works “in the background”.

So the truth is that Keshe has no technology to change anything. It has been a scam from the start. I fell for it, many others fell for it, but we saw through Keshe’s disguise, especially after he attacked us so heavily. Now it’s our responsibility to make others aware of Keshe’s evil agenda.

In the 21st international workshop Keshe spoke again about “evidence” and how he will show in the next workshop that I am a murderer of children and scientists. Insane! So he keeps coming up with more crazy claims. In reality, when Keshe uses the word “evidence”, it really means more fallacies. Do we need to remind Keshe of how he promised in Bari in 2015 “evidence” to demonstrate to Mike Harris the flying reactor ? Of course nothing was shown to Mike. And today Keshe spoke again about how he will show flight systems. Where is the “evidence” ? So all of Keshe’s “evidence” is fake. His “technology” has never been proven, that is the only “evidence” there is so far! Now even after Keshe’s “coma treatment” has beenexposed as a demonic fraud, the Keshe Foundation STILL advertises this “coma treatment” along with other health treatments! But as we can see, that biased article was written by one of the KFSSI students themselves. So typical! Nobody else would ever take the KF seriously, because there simply is no “evidence”. It just doesn’t work!

So making people aware is the only reason for the existence of this website. We still are no agents, murderers or pedophiles, we still don’t get paid by anyone for trying to help people wake up, and we still are peaceful. And unlike Keshe, we tell you the truth.

Here are some reactions to one of our previous posts:


@James Triplett: Are you serious ? You are asking why it’s allowed to speak the truth ? Would you rather live in an Orwellian state where the truth is suppressed ? Yes you would, as brainwashed as you are. This shows what a repressive system the KF is. You are a born slave. Stay ignorant and enjoy it. (Note: the above post was indeed removed soon afterwards by Mark House, who like so many others still protects Keshe and supports his criminal acts. Orwellian censorship at its finest. That’s the “ethos” of the KF. As usual in dictatorships, criticism and truth are not allowed.)

And do you see the comment by Kearl Lee ? HE WAS THE HEAD OF KESHE FOUNDATION CHINA. HE TOO WAS A BLIND BELIEVER WHO RAN AFTER KESHE. And in a Skype conversation with former KF manufacturer Soheil, which was circulating on the web, he was being told that the KF has nothing to show and therefore will destroy itself. KEARL LEE DIDN’T BELIEVE SOHEIL. But now he himself admits that the Magravs don’t work. “We gained the same results as richard did last year”


Whenever Keshe runs out of ideas to push the “technology” or the sale of his products, he comes up with fearmongering again, as he has done in the 118th knowledge seekers workshop, talking about coming earthquakes again. While earthquakes happen all the time, Keshe makes it sound as if something imminent was going to happen SOON, when in reality we could look at the earthquake map at any given moment, and probably find more or less the same situation. Yes, geological changes occur all the time, but not in a way that people desperately need to produce whatever kind of technology to “save” themselves from something that will not happen. Aside from that, no magrav unit or pain pen would save anyone, if there really was such a life-shattering event.

All the kukus around the KF are now panicking and spreading false information, saying that activities around the Yellowstone park are increasing, and that all the seismographic measuring devices have been deactivated, in order not to alert the public. The truth is that they have not been deactivated, and the recent earthquakes around the area were within the normal range (around magnitude 4).

And then there is this… feeding of poisonous substances to the public, under the disguise of “science”.

All those twists and turns that Keshe uses are well-known COINTELPRO tricks. Hopegirl, who unlike Keshe does great humanitarian work, made a new video in which she explains these tricks very well. From cult tactics like “bait and switch” to Keshe’s accusation patterns and then him playing the victim, everything is explained there.

According to Hopegirl, controlled opposition cut off the funding for her project. Searl had reported something similar, they lost their investor because he got attracted to Keshe instead. So we have to ask ourselves: was Keshe put on the scene to ruin everyone else’s research, even though he has nothing to show ? Keshe seems to be obsessed with wanting to take everything down, be it other people’s websites, their reputation, presidents, or satellites. It all seems to come down to wanting to show the world how great he is for being able to destroy everything.


Here I am at the KFSSI in Bari, having a lot of fun with
Mike Harris of Veterans Today. That was BEFORE Keshe
stabbed me in the back and turned all my new friends against me.
The day after we had a BBQ with Mike and Col. Hanke on Armen’s terrace,
laughing all night about Keshe and his flying ships. That’s right
ladies and gentlemen! Even back then, ALL OF US knew that Keshe is KUKU.

Keshe has ruined relationships and lives, he has scammed thousands of people, stolen their time and their money, lied to them, given them false hope, brainwashed them, insulted them, and presented them in public to give himself crediblity. Keshe harasses people on the phone and threatens to sue them, he harasses women and then calls them spies, he forces his wife to harass random people and to tell them his own perverted fantasies, he threatens innocents and then calls them enemies, and yet he pretends to stand for peace and claims to do no harm. He presents himself as correct and claims to be the Messiah.

IN REALITY KESHE IS A HEAVY CRIMINAL, A CONTROL FREAK, AND A NARCISSISTIC CULT LEADER. He made up this whole pedophile circus, so when someone complains about his slander, he doesn’t have to admit that the complaints are justified, but instead he tells his followers: “The KF is heavily opposed because the technology works.”

How blind must people be to still follow Keshe ?

“What is the divine will ? The divine will is when it’s correct and there is justice.” – Hypocrite Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, day 5 of blueprint week, October 30th 2015

Keshe has never been correct. So when will justice finally be served to HIM ??


(Remark: Actually first contact might indeed happen soon, but it has NOTHING to do with Keshe. He will be the first to run and shit his pants when they arrive, because they don’t like hypocrites who talk about correct conduct while committing one crime after another.)

Also now confirmed: GANS doesn’t exist, as proven by KF Switzerland. The text is in German, but it basically says that by adding vinegar, the “GANS” dissolved, and therefore it proves that it was only zinc oxide, as we said many times before.


On a more humorous note, we are happy to see that at least some of the KF cult members are aware of their own future. Look at Giovanni’s shirt in this video. How can this shirt be wrong ??

Don’t forget guys, we REALLY want to help humanity wake up by showing the truth.

So if you learned something from keshefacts.org: SHARE THE KNOWLEDGE FREELY!


Keshe, Lucifer, and the New World Order

There are people who say “All those Keshe bashers are wrong, they have a a dark agenda. Mr. Keshe is of the light, he wants to take down the cabal so we can be free again.”

Well indeed, Keshe is of the light, but it’s a false light. He wants to take down the cabal, so something much more evil can take their place. Please read on, it will open your eyes.

Lucifer means “light bringer” in Latin, and is considered by Luciferians to have brought divine knowledge (light) to humans after being cast out of heaven by God. In Luciferian circles, Lucifer is perceived as a “savior” who gave humans the knowledge necessary to ascend to divinity.

However, this Luciferian or Messianic philosophy, as practiced by Keshe, is deeply materialistic and evil in its nature.

Luciferianism” is a word that is rarely used because the word “Lucifer” is associated with Satan in Judeo-Christian theology. It is nevertheless the philosophy that overwhelmingly prevails in the highest circles of society – what we call the occult elite. Interpreted in several forms, Luciferianism can be associated with philosophical currents such as humanism, gnosticism and Kabbalism and is the driving force behind secret societies.

Luciferianism is about humans reaching divinity through human means, as opposed to having faith in God. (Keshe’s words: “WE have to bring the change”) This philosophy is symbolically represented with two mythical figures who bear similar characteristics: Prometheus and Lucifer. Both of these figures are considered by some circles to be benefactors of humanity as they brought fire and light (representing divine knowledge) to struggling humans. They gave mankind the means to become gods themselves, through their own means. (Keshe: “Each one of you can become a Messiah.”)

From this perspective, Luciferians interpret Biblical tales from a unique vantage point. In Genesis, Luciferians consider the snake who gave Eve the forbidden apple to be a hero, as he is the one who brought humanity knowledge of good, evil and everything in between. The story of the tower of Babel, a human construction meant to reach God in the sky is viewed favorably by Luciferians as it represents humanity’s struggle to reach divinity; the building of this immense tower was, however, stopped by God who is perceived as a jealous demiurge who trapped humans in the physical world.

In the 20th century, a high-tech version of this philosophy appeared as transhumanism, a movement that seeks the use of science and robotics to push humanity to another stage of development. Transhumanism’s admitted ultimate goal is the total merging of humans and robots. While most people who agree with transhumanism probably do not know much about Luciferianism, one of its “founding fathers” clearly sees the connection.

The British philosopher Max More first articulated the principles of transhumanism as a futurist philosophy in 1990 and started a worldwide intelligencia to promote it. One of his essays, entitled “In Praise of the Devil” goes deep in theological territory to connect transhumanism with Luciferianism.

“Lucifer” means “light bringer” (however, he brings a FALSE light to deceive humanity) and this should begin to clue us in to his symbolic importance. The story is that God threw Lucifer out of Heaven because Lucifer had started to question God and was spreading dissension among the angels. We must remember that this story is told from the point of view of the believers in God and not from that of the Luciferians. The truth may just as easily be that Lucifer resigned from heaven.

According to More, Lucifer probably exiled himself out of moral outrage towards the oppressive demiurge Jehovah. He therefore describes the basis of Luciferian thought:

God, being the well-documented sadist that he is, no doubt wanted to keep Lucifer around so that he could punish him and try to get him back under his (God’s) power. Probably what really happened was that Lucifer came to hate God’s kingdom, his sadism, his demand for slavish conformity and obedience, his psychotic rage at any display of independent thinking and behavior. Lucifer realized that he could never fully think for himself and could certainly not act on his independent thinking so long as he was under God’s control. Therefore he left Heaven, that terrible spiritual-State ruled by the cosmic sadist Jehovah, and was accompanied by some of the angels who had had enough courage to question God’s authority and his value-perspective.

Although all of this might sound positive, there is a troubling, dark side to it all: Only a select few can be “illuminated” by the light of Lucifer. The rest of humanity is perceived as a lesser race with lives of no value. (Keshe: “You are all stupid, you are abusers, you haven’t reached maturity…”) For this reason, Lucifer can remorselessly destroy a bunch of people, including many innocents. This is what Luciferian thought is truly about.

Someone once said: “It is not about how much knowledge you have, it is about what you do with it”. What does Keshe do now that he got the attention of enough people around the world ? Did he cure cancer? Does he end hunger ? Does he invent an economic system that is fair and profitable for all countries on Earth ? No. Instead he grabs all the money he can get, and keeps attacking his most loyal supporters. Even worse, he goes on to cause pain and suffering for other innocent people, calling everyone a pedophile or murderer, and infecting naive followers with his philosophy. And what do Keshe’s followers and supporters do with all that “knowledge” ? They support him in attacking innocent people and in ruining their reputation. At the very least they allow Keshe to have a platform to commit these crimes.

If one examines Keshe’s evolution, one realizes that he turned into exactly what the occult elite represents. He uses his powers to control people and to advance his aims despite the human suffering he is causing. He morphed into something that is not human, and regular humans are treated by Keshe as lesser beings that are idiotic, manipulable and expandable.

Also, like the occult elite, he spends a LOT of time controlling and monitoring people’s opinions and electronic devices, and collecting ALL information about his followers. As someone recently commented on Facebook:

“I am upset with what I have just found out. I wanted to enroll in the Keshe NSW private teaching. I went to the application to enroll and found that in order for me to enroll, I had to go through a COMPLETE background check (FBI STYLE) to attend on-line classes. Someone need to explain to me WHY I need to share 67 years of my private information to learn free to all peoples information.”

Like the occult elite, Keshe is not on a pure, noble mission for illumination. There is a dark side to his actions, and apparently, since he presents himself as the saviour of mankind, it’s all supposed to be good. But the real truth about Keshe’s agenda remains hidden.

This is the thinking behind secret societies who “hide” their occult knowledge from the uninitiated behind several layers of symbolism (occult literally means “hidden”). The profane masses are considered too unworthy and primitive to deal with powerful knowledge. In short, Luciferians are extremely elitist.

While Keshe is busy promoting his grandiosity and slandering innocents, a bunch of clueless guys attack each other for no good reason. And nobody cares. Because their lives are considered worthless.

If you are somewhat aware of what has been going on, you will understand the message of this whole KF drama:

According to Luciferians, there are two classes of humans on Earth, and Keshe tries to widen the gap between them. And then, when humanity finally has enough of the separation, they will cry out for an even stronger saviour, at which point the ultimate antichrist will be introduced: Lucifer (probably a negative ET or alien hybrid).

Most of the projects involving Luciferianism and transhumanism have been described by observers as “playing God”. But this is not simply an expression: It is exactly what Luciferians are about.

So it seems what Keshe is trying to do, like many others who have been part of this esoteric Illuminati “love and light” movement, is to pave the way for something that is much more evil than what any Illuminati-controlled government could ever come up with, and that is described in this article.

This is why Keshe is trying to bring up everyone against the occult elite and against religious control structures, because in his opinion, their philosophy is not yet evil enough and stands in the way of the ultimate deceiver Lucifer (the antichrist). And when his followers believe Keshe, because they are genuinely longing for a change, they only help to remove that obstacle, to bring about the total domination and control of humanity, which means hell on Earth.

Some quotes from the above article:

“The rumor now circulating in some Intel circles is that the Vatican is awaiting the appearance of their true Messiah Lucifer who will be an Alien ET that will come to Earth to take over and rule from the Catholic Church in a new Temple built in Jerusalem.”

“Is the Vatican expecting to be the ones announcing and proving a major world event that will shift the people’s mindset from the mundane to a new esoteric view of the universe with a god and messiah named Lucifer?”

“But there is also reason to believe that some of the MIBs are either real Alien ETs or Alien/human hybrids based on some of the remarkable things they have done like blurring their faces from view, causing mental confusion in a human they were threatening, but exerting some kind of mental control over them without even touching them, etc.”

There is another article on the same subject.

It is very strange that some writers at Veterans Today acknowledge the existence of Lucifer (or what they call “the third force”), but they fail to see that Keshe (whom they promote and support) behaves EXACTLY like that third force, doing one evil thing after another, while accusing OTHERS of doing them! THIS is the false light that people fall for, because they have been deceived and are not rooted in the true Christ energy.

Those who think we exaggerate: we haven’t told everything in public yet. There is a lot more than most KF followers know. Only people who met Keshe in person know what kind of selfish, evil actions he is capable of.

The same way he gave me a hug and his “Kiss of Judas” in Bari in public, before he accused me of being a Belgian agent not much later at that same event, he played similar tricks on others. Some things he did were much worse than what happened to me. One by one, all those witnesses will come forward to speak out.

Quote from the above article:

“This new power will be able to project a caring public face, while enacting the deepest, darkest covert evil in history which will culminate in the end of the age and the appearance of the Fourth Force which will end the reign of evil of the Third Force.

The Third force is the ultimate evil in all creation but because it is able to craftily disguise itself as enlightenment and light when it is actually covert darkness, death and sophisticated human soul-snatching, it is able to evade recognition for what it is by most.”

And this describes Keshe perfectly! Only the newcomers don’t notice that, as well as those who have been paid and brainwashed by Keshe. They have literally lost their soul to the devil. But as you can see, this “third force” will be destroyed by the “fourth force”, which is actually the REAL God.

And this one describes Keshe perfectly as well:

“He plans to raise up a man who will appear so good and powerful and will temporarily solve the worldwide economic/monetary problems with very crafty international/global statesmanship. A majority will believe his claims that he is the Messiah that has come to earth to save the human race from impending ruin and destruction. He will call himself the Christ and will fool many who will worship him as God Almighty (the Fourth Force). In order to attain this acceptance, he will destroy the Khazarian Mafia (KM), eliminate the Select few with no mercy and will fix things for a while. But soon he will begin to sacrifice children in his new temple and will become an insidious tyrant.“

We trust in the REAL God, and have faith in the positive forces on Earth andelsewhere, who are watching over us and doing everything in their power to protect humanity from this evil.

Let’s ask all KF followers a simple question: If you really want peace, why do you allow yourself to be manipulated into thinking that there are “enemies”, when in reality those “enemies” used to be supporters like yourself ? And if you really want peace, why do you follow a person like Keshe who CREATED this way of thinking for you ?

Keshe has repeatedly said that there is no God. And peace will not be brought by someone who PLAYS God. Peace cannot be enforced by using any technology.

Keshe and Caroline only support peace when it goes their way, but when it’s one-sided it can never lead to a JUST peace, and therefore it is yet another road to tyranny. There can never be any peace without truth and justice, and so Keshe himself stands in the way of peace. His constant attacks and false accusations have proven that many times.



Keshe showing what he thinks of being just


But we can actively help in bringing true peace to Earth by turning away from false Messiahs and fake technologies, by standing united as one humanity, and by (depending on your faith) praying for, meditating on, or thinking about peace, while including EVERYONE. This is how we reach God. This is how we create a TRUE and JUST peace.

Confirmed: Magravs don’t work. AND KESHE WENT TOO FAR.

Veterans Today, or rather, Gordon Duff, the self-confessed disinfo agent of Veterans Today, published another article about the “Red Circle”, which only exists in the minds of mentally ill tricksters like Keshe and Duff.

To give himself credibility, he quotes Ricardo Baretzky, a known NWO supporter and head of ECIPS, which is basically a blueprint structure for the NWO government. It seems the KF followers really want to be ruled by a luciferian NWO dictatorship.

So all the false serpents are supporting each other, continuing to slander and accuse me, an innocent person, of being the head of an international crime syndicate. So ridiculous. We would like to point out that Baretzky, just like all the other disinfo agents, has been interviewed by (SURPRISE!) Project Camelot. It is becoming clearer and clearer that their cult is afraid of being exposed.

Duff writes “There is a war going on over technology.” How ridiculous, what technology ? Has Keshe ever shown anything working ? SHOW US REAL “TECHNOLOGY”! So far we have only seen amateurs playing with household materials and wires, but no power, no defense, no spaceflight, NOTHING! The war only goes on between fraudsters like Keshe and people who exposed him. It is NOT about technology, but about truth. And this war was started by KESHE, not by me or anyone else! Actually, we don’t even consider it a war as it is nothing but ridiculous. Some might say “If you go on posting, Keshe will always fight back”. But again, it was Keshe who started it by accusing me and other innocent people FOR NO REASON. And even when we stay silent, Keshe can never stay silent, he MUST attack, because he is a very aggressive person. But people will only find that out for themselves if they dare to speak the truth. As long as they support Keshe, they are being accepted as members of his cult. Well at least most of them.  Some still get attacked, when Keshe is in the mood, as we have seen in the last workshop. So we post with one purpose ONLY: to save new people from being sucked into this criminal KF business.

We ask Keshe and Duff: is THIS the PEACE you keep talking about, when you can’t stop attacking innocents ? You are nothing but hypocrites. As we said in our previous post: SHOW US THE EVIDENCE!

And to make it all worse, Caroline, the oh so peaceful “angel of love and light”, stalked my own lovely and smart daughter today by telling her the fake rape story that Keshe made up, and then she (Caroline) also told her that she (Caroline) informed all of my daughter’s friends about this fake story. Of course none of it is true, I never raped my daughter. WHAT AN INSANE ACCUSATION! My daughter is such a sprititual being, full of good ethics. I love my children, and they love me, we are a great family. But the fact that Keshe and Caroline are now stalking and slandering my family too, makes the Keshe Foundation an even more criminal organization. Here you can see Caroline stalking my daughter. First of all, Caroline spammed my daughter with the KF peace treaty and other texts. My daughter then asked Caroline to stop spamming her. But Caroline continued to stalk. Read for yourself:

My daughter: Hi Carolina, please stop with sending me messages, thank you:)

Carolina De Roose One last message and you will not see anymore of me. blessed is the soul of the the creator of this slander

(Then Caroline sent more long texts, continuing to stalk my daughter.)

Carolina De Roose I only forgot this one

(Then more text, even though she was asked to stop stalking)

Carolina De Roose I hope you visit the kuku foundation website

Carolina De Roose Ask your dad

Carolina De Roose Your father is under investigation for connection with this phedophile as MT Keshe has exposed him and your father Now you and your family is under investigation for the same conducted Now you know why he created the (www.kukufoundation.com) Dirk Alan Source: (pesn.com/2015/08/28/9602655_Mehran-Keshe_extremelyirrational_slanderous-allegations)

(Then she sent even more text, severely harassing my daughter with false accusations)

Carolina De Roose MT Keshe was Right al alone that is why the slandering from your father would not stop but increasingly every day Sterling Allen victims were his own two doughters age Two year and three same age as you he got life in prison on Friday Now the investigation on your father has started as heading the biggest phedophile group around the world and you three are his victims

Carolina De Roose Your father is a key men I handling the girls from Detroux and they past his hand and pants before they where murder the truth has come out after MT Keshe got the conviction for Sterling Allen in the court of USA last week and your father is on the file for arrest rapping his own doughters and the two Marroco girls of Dutroux MT Keshe was right al the way

Carolina De Roose With your permission I posted this to all your friends By The way your friends have received a copy all above. Now you become the shame of Belgium

(“With your permission” ??? My daughter never gave her permission.)

My daughter: What a crazy talking… I hope you find the love that is locked in your heart.

My daughter: I wish you all the best!

My daughter: Just that you know… My father never touched me in any kind of wrong way. He never raped me. If anyone can know, it is me… I really feel sorry for you.




More good and correct souls will now continue to unite to expose your lies and your scam further! It would be practical if telepathy was already available to us humans, so people could read the lies and fallacies in your mind, and that they could read my innocence and my positive mindset. You can see what a lovely and forgiving soul my daughter is. SHE DIDN’T DESERVE TO BE ATTACKED LIKE THAT!!!

Keshe must be REALLY afraid of people waking up and seeing his lies as what they are, otherwise he wouldn’t always ask Duff for support whenever we post true facts. Is the Messiah not man enough to defend himself ? Does he need to run to papa everytime ? If his technology was so powerful, why would he even need to slander me all the time ? He just needs the drama and attention because he has nothing else to show.

The reason why Keshe is so persistant with his lies and his slander is not because he is right, but because as a malignant narcissist, he just cannot accept anything that could potentially throw him off his imaginary throne. After all, he is the self-proclaimed Messiah. So in his mind he is flawless and must not be criticized, even if in reality he is totally wrong.

First of all, the Keshe Foundation is a CULT, not a scientific organization. As such, it uses cult tactics to change the way the followers think and perceive reality. A number of sober-minded individuals realized all that and left the KF or were kicked out and slandered, when they realized that Keshe is not a good person. While Keshe can be nice and funny, he is also the devil in disguise, which becomes apparent everytime his personalities switch and he starts slandering and making up stories. And then he is so convincing that people like Duff support him.

It’s no surprise that some people still believe Keshe’s and Duff’s nonsense without checking the facts, when the average IQ of the western civilization has come down from 100 to slightly above 80. Such naive people run after pseudo-science and sensationalism, that’s why they are the target audience of Keshe and Duff.

But very few of Keshe’s followers do wake up over time, so now we show how one of them recently exposed the truth about Keshe’s technology. Mind you, this is not an “enemy of the foundation”, this is someone who works closely with Keshe, the same way I did.

“Where have we gone wrong ? Nowhere.”

– M.T. Keshe, 20th international knowledge seekers workshop, June 21st 2016


Richard from Holland, the master coil maker and one of the members of Keshe’s “Universal Council”, who has been working hard for Keshe for quite some time,finally admitted that it is not possible to get the Magrav to work. Here is the translation:

Richard: From the beginning it is not a match to me. I said from the beginning, in my opinion it is not working this way.

Peter: But Richard.. be honest.. were you in any way able to create free energy? You are working for Keshe.. in Germany as I understand.. Keshe said in more than one workshop, he is going to quit working with Germany because they are all terrorists.. so tell me.. what’s going on?

Richard: Well.. I pulled the plug on Germany. There were some investors who wanted to invest in the German Keshe Foundation. They wanted to start with the magrav. And the other products.. the pen.. belt.. and more.. and it comes down to that we did lots of research in the last months to get the magrav working and we’ve said: “No, we can’t get it to work.” The only thing we did get working is the oldfashioned analog KWH meters.. we did see them stop. But the digital ones don’t. So we did get an interaction between the meter and the magrav. But not the classic magrav.. a combination of a feedback capacitor.. that did it eventually.

Peter: Ok, so you have a phase shift between the volts and amps.. a classic way to cheat..

Richard: Well.. it comes down to that we managed to get a certain combination with a LED to stop the analog meter.

Peter: Yes. With a combination of a large induction and capacitance you get a phase difference between the volts and amps and that makes the meter show nothing. That is also the reason it is not allowed to do that. That is the science you proved to be true..

Richard: Yes, that is what we can do. And we also can do different things with higher and lower voltages, also in a car, no shorts.. but we do not see any significant results.

That’s it ladies and gentlemen, you have been scammed by the Big Mehran!

And since the Magrav doesn’t work, the whole nonsense around it is based on NOTHING. There is no working KF technology, it will not bring peace or anything else. The only thing that comes from the KF is slander, attacks, aggression, waste of time, and a lot of scammed customers.

Following this revelation, Keshe immediately announced that from now on, the Magrav units will no longer be sold on the KF website. Instead, they renamed it to “power generator” and now sell it for 1800 Euros plus taxes plus shipping (!), which means it’s the same scam under a different name! IT STILL DOES NOT WORK!

“The system was shown powering multiple appliances with no support from the main power grid of the house.”  (118th Knowledge Seekers Workshop)

How ridiculous. Where was anything shown ? All that was shown was a very dark video of Keshe, surrounded by a fridge, a heater, and a lot of cables, making claims as usual, but showing no proof, as usual.

But we are glad that not all of Keshe’s followers are hopeless cases, and that at least a few of them, such as Richard, dare to speak the truth!

So now that Richard has publicly admitted that the KF technology doesn’t work, any claims by Gordon Duff about a “war over Keshe technology” are obsolete. You have been debunked as a disinformer once again, Duffy!

Now the above video will either disappear from the net, or Richard will be the next one who is accused by Keshe of being a pedophile. OR there will be total silence, as if nothing happened. Oh well, the scam will probably go on until the authorities step in.

As someone put it recently: “It’s hopeless. Even if Keshe went away, another fraudster would come up, and again there would be people running after him. There’s always enough gullibles to support such kind of fraud, and they even gladly waste their time and money on it.”

But yet, no other scammer has ever been as evil as Keshe.